Hmm. I was using thrusts as my common attacks, back when the nerf wasn't there. My first loom was a tempered nordic champ sword, which I didn't like because I was using thrusts more. So I traded it with a tempered long espada eslavona, my favourite sword of that time.
Since it was changed, I find thrusts more of an optional attack. I still find thrusts to be a part of my gameplay, just not that much. Long espada can still be useful, just not the strongest sword for me. Knightly arming is better.
Some sort of skill was required back in the day. Now it just requires more skill. It's effectiveness is still valid, although a bit decreased. All in all my opinion is, what suggested in OP can be a good feature. But I don't have many problems with the current system too. It's doable and viable. Just not the strongest part of 1h anymore.