From my perspective, it looks like what happened was the Goons, being faced with an impending invasion and the knowledge that they are in the possession of far more territory than they can actually hold against people who know what they are doing (ie everyone who isn't the Josho Shogunate), decided they would try and capitalize on partyboy's popularity and reputation as a pacifist in order to deter hero_party from attacking them. Furthermore, it looks like hero_party is not just going to pack up their bags and go home because the Goons have decided to switch to a different tag than the one they were using for years up until yesterday in a desperate attempt to save their internet horse land and is perfectly willing to get their hands dirty if need be.
All-in-all, it's not a very interesting situation at the moment, although it could become pretty amusing in the future because:
1.) The Goons are likely banking on someone intervening in the war on their behalf
2.) Hospitaller territory adjoins hero_party territory, and the Hospitallers have just signed a cease-fire with TKoV and Norse Horde. The present state of affairs affords them both the opportunity and ideological justification (some variant of "saving a smaller faction from a larger, aggressive one") to launch an invasion. I'm just waiting for the thread and the shouts of "God willz it!!" at this point.
I'm also curious what partyboy's aims are in all of this, as he hasn't really elaborated on them at all. Give us plans, not propaganda.