hello friend this thread is under construction Hello and welcome to BIRD CLAN! First, to get you started here are some links:
This is to join our regular cRPG faction and fight under the BIRD BANNER with friends.
http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=ladderoverviewclans#!?page=ladderinfoclandetail&id=61visitors can't see pics , please
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loginPro Banner by Artyem
BIRD CLAN is no longer participating in any wars in strat, I am just a simple merchant lord out to make some cash. To simplify things, I am keeping the strat membership to just myself. If you'd like, you could come to Nova Amere and grind out troops for me, but no applications will be accepted in strat.
BIRD CLAN steam group, talk with friends!
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/bird_clanWhen creating a character we use the formula [RANK]_[NAME]_OF_BIRD. Make up your own rank! Or don't even put BIRD in your name, it's all good!
BIRD CLAN is a fun faction where we enjoy ourselves and spread feelings of goodwill, kindness and love. In BIRD CLAN things are a bit different from the norm. Which brings me to my next point.
We have all seen how poorly it reflects on people in the cRPG forums when they use racist/homophobic/misogynist slurs. These are the calling cards of the nerds and the spergs. They are often the ones who create pages and pages of threads about internet honour in online knights role playing forums. They are the natural enemy of BIRD CLAN, faction of love and fun. BIRD CLAN employs a kill-them-with-kindness strategy when dealing with allies and enemies alike. We will also kill them with swords, hopefully just the enemies but tk's are understandable. Please try to maintain professionalism at all times and NEVER let them drag you down to their level. Smiles and fun will always be more effective than the most perfectly crafted string of obscenities, and when they reply with their angry little words you will come out the winner every time in your own eyes and the eyes of others.
Membership is open to whoever is cool and wants to join. There will be a secret screening process that only the upper-echelon of the BIRD COUNCIL will know. Feel free to apply!
In closing, it bears repeating that BIRD CLAN is a fun-oriented faction. The main objective is to harvest the rage tears of the serious while never offering any of our own in return.
Have fun!
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