As son of my father, the Great Former Dictator of the Knights' Union of the Tundra Territories, I would like to step forth to purge all former hostilities. Those of us whom are left, are either too badly scarred to see battle again, or we are the heirs of our fathers.
We ask you this, in our time of recovery and rebuilding what little we can, we ask to set aside differences with warring factions and allow our people to reconvene and gather the remains of what few members of the Tundra bloodline still remain. Do not let us inherit the wars of our fathers, we have seen the faces of many we love murdered before us already.
In return for letting us return safely and regather ourselves, we will in this time not use any clan or individual's Supply or Demand without authorization, as well as attempt to not intrude or cause scare among your members. No clan nor fief should feel threatened by our presence and any kindness shown in this time of need we will return when we are able.
I would ask, if you can accept this agreement and are one of the Factions we were previously at war with, I ask that you come forth (a member with rank and ability to accept) and say so.
All in Favor, say I.