Author Topic: Unban request  (Read 344 times)

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Offline Ezekiel_Of_Reddit

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Unban request
« on: November 13, 2012, 02:36:00 am »
The screenshot was correct I was indeed kicking him to oblivion to see whether he would wake up or not. This man was standing idle near the virgin for multiple waves for around 15 to half an hour with a score of 0-0.

When you finally did wakeup angrily and create a server poll to kick me it was denied majorly. Did my accompanying vote to kick you off the server succeed or not which made you create the ban request?


Offline MrShine

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Re: Unban request
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 03:44:43 am »
Unbanning early due to clarification of context. 

In the future if you notice a player breaking the rules please take the following steps as necessary:
1) Use 'i' chat (if an admin is in the server)
2) Go to IRC chat and see if an admin is available
3) (if polls are up) use the votekick poll explaining the reason for the poll on the server to see if others agree that the player is being disruptive
4) Take screen shots of the offending player and post a ban thread

Even if you think another player is in the wrong, team wounding (even minor ones like kicks) aren't permissible.

Locking thread due to response & unban.
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel!