monday, april 29thfull cleans, 3x8x?(50 or 60kg)
deeps squats 3x8x80kg
romainian deadlifts: 3x10x60
dont remember rest unfortunatly.
some stretching
tuesday, april 30thusaual warmup
benchpress 3x8x55kg
db incline bp 3x8x24kg
cableXover 3x10ish
pushups 12,10,? (rly fucked at that point)
and back home. juuuuuust made it to the strat battle
thursday, mai 2ndwarmup
hang clean, 3x3x50
deadlifts 3x8x70
biceps-pullups 12,10,10
lat pulldown machine (3x12x80)
rowing machn3x12x?
back delt machine
20min of cycling @high frequency, 120kcal burned.
fri, may 3rdshoulders today
warmup (running, cylcing, dynamic stretching)
3x8x30kg military press, super set with cable ab curl
3x8x20kg/dumbell shoulderpress ss with 40kg shrugs
3x12x20kg front raises
3x8x? siderais machine ss with outer rotators
10min cycling
also did somw 15 sets 15x 27.5kg bicep curls this morning, thanks to this:!/will do some more now, cause I wanna play.
how great is getting stronger and fitter thanks to playing computergames.
monday may 6th. leg day. usual warmup
4x6x50kg full cleans
4x6x87.5kg deep squats (wasnt easy)
3x10x60kg romanian deadlift
3x15x fullweight+10kg cable crunches.
5min cylcing + stretching.
great day.
biceps curl challenge going on as well, did some 10 sets of 15 reps @27.5kg
tuesday, may 7thchest
great shit today, although i kinda mixed up my sets/reps by mistake
usual warmup
bench: 3x8x60
dumbell incline bench: 3x6x26
flies on cableXover: 3x?x?
3x?xdips+ dips on dipmashine after every set of free dips
2x5x34kg dumbell triceps thingy
3x10xtriceps cable push down whatever
5min cycle
friday, may 10thwas too hungover yesterday unfortunatly, so i did my back workout today. might go back tonight to do delts n shit.
usual warmup
full cleans 3x3x50kg
deadlifts 4x6x75kg
bicepsthingy pullups 6,6,5 then 12 half ones
lat pulldown 3x8x80kg
rowingmashine 3x12x60kg
rear delt machine+outer rotators 3x10xwhatever
5min cycling, stretching.
saturday, may 11th:usual warmup
military press 4x6x35, ss with cable crunches (full weight +10kg)
dumbell military press 3x6x18kg
front raise 3x12x20kg, ss with 40kg shrugs
dips, 10,9,8
triceps cable push down
15min cycling,
teusday april 14thleg day
usual warmup
5x5x50kg full clean
5x5x90kg DEEPsquats
3x10x60kg rdl/romanian deadlif
some abb shit
5min cycle
feeling great.
wednesday, may 15thchest/triceps
usual warmup
4x6x65 bp
3x6x26kgdb incline bp
3x10 cablexover
3x10 ushups
3x? dips in ss with dipmachine
3x8x30kg dbpress
3x10x? cable pushdown
pumped like hell, awesome day.
monday, may 27thafter a week of being sick and a weekend of drinking on an open air festival in the cold and rain, i didnt feel strong today -.-
had to downsize my workout and will do this weeks training next week again
20min cycle+dyn stretching
4x4x50kg full clean
2x4x97.5kg, 2x4x90kg deep squat
ss rdl (3x10x60kg) and leg press (3x10xwhatever) because of not pulling thru with squats
lower abs 3x10 leg lifts
ab cable pull 3x15x+10kg
20min cycling
tuesday, may 28thstill a bit weeker than i should be, but way better then yesterday
15min cycling +dynamic stretching warmup
5x5x70kg benchpress
8,7,6x26kg dumbbell incline press
3x10x? cable cross over
3x10 pushups
supereset: free dips(10,8,4) and assisted dips (?,4,1)
3x8x27.5kg french press
3x10x? cable pushdown
10min cycling
wednesday may 29thfirs time swimming in ages, just did some low intensity volume work
after a warm up, about 40 laps of chest with a crawl sprint every 4th or 5th lap, more or less whatever I felt like
some stretching too
thursday, may 30th20min cycling
todays challenge: 2x30s of plank, rev plank and twists
rowing+dynamic stretching
3x5x50kg cleans
5x5x80kg deadlifts
3x8 pullups
3x10x80kg rowing machine
3x10x? lat pulldown
ss of abs and sz-biceps curl(10,15,12x27.5kg)
ss of abs and concentration curl 3x?x10kg
20min cycling
Monday, may 3rdleg day. my car is broken atm, so i do 6-20km of bike riding daily, which seriously fucks up my gains and my leg str -.-
anyway, due to recovery of being sick last week, this week is a rep of last weeks planned program:
6kg bike ride
4x4x50kg cleans
6x4x97.5kg deep squats (not easy damn)
6km bike ride. ahrg.
24 km that day. fuck.
wednesday, may 5thloaded week, cant do regular training, so tuesdays chest shit had to be done today:
5x5x70kg bench
3x8x26kg db incline press
cable X overs
3x10 pushups
ss dips and dip machine
triceps concentration curl (prolly wrong name)
thursday. long day. hot day. exhausting day.
did some light deadlifts, 3x8pullups, cable rows, rear delt, scott curls on sz bar.
sunday may 9thshort shoulder day, was again very fucked.
4x4x37.5 military press
3x10ishx18kg db shoulder press
3x12x20kg front rais ss with 40kg shrugs
sideraise mashine
monday, june 10thonly abs today.
30,20,15 (assisted rotating sit ups, srsly dunno name)
some reps on a weird ab curl machine, front and sideways.
3x6 windshieldwhipers (was totally fucked at that point already, felt like my torso was being torn apart)
2x6 incline bench lower abs (ahrg)
3x15 cable crunches
3x14 obliques
tuesday, june 11thfucking great day.
6x4x75kg bench (finally getting into rep ranges i like
![Smile :)](
with short breaks
3x8-13x24kg incline dumbell bench
cable cross over
3x10-12 push us, last set to failure
dip machine
diamond push ups
cable push down
thursday, june 14thback
a gay day, soaked in rain and a late work out fucked it up for me
pull ups 10,8,6
back delts
rowing machine
lat pull down
5 sets of biceps curls @27.5kg
saturday, june 15thshoulders
6x4x37.5 kg military press
3x10x18 shoulder press
ss front raise (3x12x20) and shrugs (3x15-20x40)
sidraise machine
sunday, june 16thleg day
3x5x50kg hang cleans
7x10x100kg deep squats
3x12x60kg rdl
3x8x? quads
felt great
monday juneizzey the 17thachest
fucking hero workout, so great, I wonder why I didnt grow a second penis.
7x3x80kg bench press last rep was x4
3x8-10x24kg inlcine dumbbell bench press
cable cross overs
3x10 wide push ups
dip machine
reverse/bench dips
cable push down.
thursday, june 20thi fucking exploded today, dont know if its the weather or my work out progress is finally kicking in (or maybe the cocain?) but dang
back workout today
12, 8, 6, 6 assisted
rowing machine (16,14,13x90kg)
back delt machine
sz-biceps curl 8,8,6x 27.5
db curl 12,8,6x14kg
concentration curl
another set of sz curl, 8x27.5
testing week. yesterday sucked.
tue, june 25thsquat test
4min cycling, stretching, 2min rowing, dyn stretching, a few short sprints
3x50 hang clean
3x50 full clean
squats: 80, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130 (fail)
125 didnt feel that heavy, but after them my concentration was instantly gone, I heard the chatter of all the gaywads around the rack, the fucking music, just wasnt in the zone. had the 130 on my back, half way down i gave up. shit. will do that again end of week.