People I like fighting:Bjord: He is great fun to fight and changes his build once in while (like me) which I like as well.
Alexjei: A lot of fun fighting as well.
La3nir: Same. And always salutes me when I join the server.
Tommy: The next best templar....

Rubicon: Always up for some chamber fights with his strong and fast build. (Sorry for sometimes holding all my attacks)
Butan: One of the few cool STR builds out there. He tries to chamber you all the time. And if you dont see it coming: you'll be dead. (for real, one or two hits or a knockdown and its over)
GTX: Though he trashed talked me in the beginning: I never disliked fighting him. (Maybe just a little bit, because of the excessive out-ranging). Now he doesn't even trash talk (me) anymore.
Jormgulm (or whatever he's called): Long time no see, but the memories of our many duels are still fresh.
Phyrex: The best twohander there ever was (at his time). He would always follow a chamber block with a counter chamber and the never cowered or turtled.
Atze: Really good player as well.
Darian: Changed builds often. Was fun to fight and always showed great respect.
Kpu: Epic chamber guy (despite his ping). One of the few Russians I respect.
Enigmatic Stranger: Never ending 1h, who I like to duel
Vex: Massive STR brute. I like to fight him, when I win.
ROBIN and TUT inc. : It is very difficult to get these guys killed. But it saves your day when it happens. TRY it, FEEL it, LOVE it.
People I dislike fighting:Skono: The incarnation of a boring back-pedalling STR character. Who wins his fight by boring the opponent rather than out fighting or out smarting him.
Vex: I dont like crushtrough, but I can live with it.
Any running archer: ROBINHOOD, Das Brot, Xynox.... you name it.