Author Topic: What happened in Tosdhar.  (Read 4672 times)

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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2012, 04:44:49 pm »
About the fiefs, its only against the rules if a attacking enemy army is closing in and an ally or the same clan then attacks its own fief in order to obstruct the enemy attacker and delay for a day or more, thats also what some clans have done in the past and gotten punished for.
If this doesn't apply then it's ofc no problem to make a transfer battle, we all have done it.

It would be better if all transfers were done with the transfer fief function, regardless of whether the fief is gonna be attacked or not.
In this case, however, that wasn't possible (since the fief owner is banned), so reclaiming the village by attacking it is perfectly legitimate. Furthermore, there was no enemy army nearby and "it was coming" (when?) is not a valid excuse.
Before somebody starts screaming "omg biased Nord admin", this is chadz' opinion as well.

Certain UIF members got accused of cheating and were banned prematurely to get things straight and make them explain the situation.

I know you already specified in a later post that you meant something else, but I would like to state it officially anyway: players got banned solely based on anonymised (no player names) game logs. We have received reports of cheaters in the past, but they were made without a shred of proof and/or by biased sources; those have nothing to do with the recent bans.

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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2012, 04:46:55 pm »
It would be better if all transfers were done with the transfer fief function, regardless of whether the fief is gonna be attacked or not.
In this case, however, that wasn't possible (since the fief owner is banned), so reclaiming the village by attacking it is perfectly legitimate. Furthermore, there was no enemy army nearby and "it was coming" (when?) is not a valid excuse.
Before somebody starts screaming "omg biased Nord admin", this is chadz' opinion as well.

I know you already specified in a later post that you meant something else, but I would like to state it officially anyway: players got banned solely based on anonymised (no player names) game logs. We have received reports of cheaters in the past, but they were made without a shred of proof and/or by biased sources; those have nothing to do with the recent bans.
but then explain how the Nords knew about the banns so early that they attacked before we knew all the names on those banned ?
As stated before they had to have a long time knowing this- to even get to mechin.

So what your stating here is that getting Info from example harpaq about the banns and we the enemy is prevented this info from Devs, there aint no threads about whos getting banned. So Nords knowing we the enemy didnt know who what fief only that some keys are banned. Cant act a attack on that.

Its a BIG flaw in the rule or mechanics then, you have to see this.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 04:50:44 pm by Gingerpussy »
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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2012, 04:47:40 pm »
but then explain how the Nords knew about the banns so early that they attacked before we knew all the names on those banned ?

arent some nords admins? maybe they were just better at digging up info  :mrgreen:

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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2012, 05:11:09 pm »
It would be better if all transfers were done with the transfer fief function, regardless of whether the fief is gonna be attacked or not.
In this case, however, that wasn't possible (since the fief owner is banned), so reclaiming the village by attacking it is perfectly legitimate. Furthermore, there was no enemy army nearby and "it was coming" (when?) is not a valid excuse.
Before somebody starts screaming "omg biased Nord admin", this is chadz' opinion as well.

So the Devs meaning is that cheating is okey that banning the account and then the clan receives the equipment gold troops whatever they got ?
And attacking HIMSELF is okey because there is no fief transfer options for banned players. THINK its not a option for banned players to give there stuff away. So sad.

becouse the clan recive the news about the bann first and can act upon it as they have done in this cases.

And you did not reply to the fact that 1 grey order and a DRZ even made a bogus faction to attack themselves. So they meant to hide it ??? yes i belive so. And ur rule did not state any circumcises that we had to be on our way to attack that fief and or army.   
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 05:17:22 pm by Gingerpussy »
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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2012, 05:34:07 pm »
And you did not reply to the fact that 1 grey order and a DRZ even made a bogus faction to attack themselves. So they meant to hide it ??? yes i belive so. And ur rule did not state any circumcises that we had to be on our way to attack that fief and or army.
It would be better if all transfers were done with the transfer fief function, regardless of whether the fief is gonna be attacked or not.
In this case, however, that wasn't possible (since the fief owner is banned), so reclaiming the village by attacking it is perfectly legitimate. Furthermore, there was no enemy army nearby and "it was coming" (when?) is not a valid excuse.

Quote from: Gingerpussy
I hope your celebrating. i hope your hole clan and all that worked with you guys where banned. but my hopes are only dreams i am afraid.
I hope you will get your medicine soon, before you got brain damage  :?

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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2012, 06:07:32 pm »
Quote from: cmpxchg8b on October 16, 2012, 05:24:15 pm
I would like to remind Astralis, Hospitallers and everyone else that attacking your own/your allies' fiefs in order to prevent them from being attacked by enemies is considered heavy exploiting.
Please cancel the attacks as soon as possible or we will be forced to take action. This is your first and last warning.

I dont even wanna bother getting the qoute from andswaru where he is saying they have to attack to get the equipment before we did attack. but they got this information before us therefor i think its not fair game. And cmpx didnt have rules there or any that i can find pointing out when that rule would apply. Changing factions so people maybe wont see it is a abuse.
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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2012, 06:33:32 pm »
May I try myself on helping the whole drama along a little bit by clarifying (for me and maybe for others too) what Ginger is actually argueing about:

He is expressing his concern about some players of a certain clan may have had certain and very specific informations about banned players and the fiefs belonging to them before the rest of the community.
Furthermore he is concerned about those informations giving an advantage in planning and executing attacks on those fiefs of banned players.
In my understanding, those kind of informations gave those players of a certain clan an easy "walk in the park" obtaining those fiefs without any actual resistence. Including naturals inside those fiefs which may have been cheated for...

He would like to read a statement of responsible officials in good faith that those concerns of his are unbased and everything went according to rules and common sense to achieve an enjoyable and fair-play Strategus experience.

Ginger, please feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made.
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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #52 on: November 04, 2012, 06:40:54 pm »
riddle me this.. if eny merc alliance members were banned who would find out sooner, their enemys or their allies>?

selfquote from one of the many threads spurted out today by ginger:
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« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 06:46:40 pm by rufio »
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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #53 on: November 04, 2012, 06:46:09 pm »
riddle me this.. if eny merc alliance members were banned who would find out sooner, their enemys or their allies>?
Well, obviously none of their allies would find out about it before they posted about it in the unban thread, right?
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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #54 on: November 04, 2012, 06:56:43 pm »
ignore ginger :P his views im sure dont represent mercs let alone the eastern block :D
i make terrible warband videos!

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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #55 on: November 04, 2012, 07:19:19 pm »
May I try myself on helping the whole drama along a little bit by clarifying (for me and maybe for others too) what Ginger is actually argueing about:

He is expressing his concern about some players of a certain clan may have had certain and very specific informations about banned players and the fiefs belonging to them before the rest of the community.
Furthermore he is concerned about those informations giving an advantage in planning and executing attacks on those fiefs of banned players.
In my understanding, those kind of informations gave those players of a certain clan an easy "walk in the park" obtaining those fiefs without any actual resistence. Including naturals inside those fiefs which may have been cheated for...

He would like to read a statement of responsible officials in good faith that those concerns of his are unbased and everything went according to rules and common sense to achieve an enjoyable and fair-play Strategus experience.

Ginger, please feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made.
For the most part right. but as well obvious abusing game mechanics that's is "new" and unknown for the community until this happen.
Foe example: how to keep ur equip troops population alive and the 1 hour can not attack rule for attacker as well. Was not known.
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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #56 on: November 04, 2012, 07:22:43 pm »
Apart from "Strategus Issues", can we also have "Mental health issues" board?
Some might think that, but not people that speak to me one to one. My how can i put this. my way of expresion thru english is a lot worse then my native language. And i understand that some sentences i write is not the best English. But with good will you understand that a forum might get u to look a bitch or whiner or arrogant or however. The thing is RL is very much different.
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Offline Gingerpussy

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Re: What happened in Tosdhar.
« Reply #57 on: November 04, 2012, 07:36:48 pm »
Whatever happen in Tosdhar STAYS IN TOSDHAR !!! i guess.

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