Author Topic: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread  (Read 72911 times)

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2012, 12:43:12 pm »
I only have one account and I got banned, maybe it's because of the change of ISP. Ask unban.

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2012, 04:37:48 pm »
Another wave triggered right now, please report your situation detailed if you want us to take a closer look. Also give details about your connection etc.

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2012, 05:39:21 pm »
I confirm, what I have managed almost all my clan-teammates accounts on strategus
I do not ask to unban me,But my teammates are not deserve bans for my mistakes (my bads)
So I am ask you to unban my teammates.
Thank you for your attention

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2012, 08:26:14 pm »
To the devs, I'm sincerely sorry.  I was banned for multiaccounting in the latest wave.  I had no idea multiaccounting was against the rules, as I wasn't around for previous rounds of strategus and didn't know it was such an abusable mechanic.  I've been very busy taking care of my newborn son, so I've been letting Rhalzo handle some minor issues that've come up when I've been too busy to make it to my computer (getting stuck on a mountain mid trade route, etc).

Having spoken to some of the more seasoned players in teamspeak, I completely understand why this rule is neccessary.  I love this game, I love the people I've met playing this game, and I've sunk thousands of hours into my 26 generations. I would be truly upset if it was all for naught because of my mistake.  I didn't really gain anything from the multiaccounting, and I would be extremely grateful if the you would give me another chance.  I can promise whole-heartedly that you'll never see something like this from me again.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 02:56:52 pm by Brontosauce »

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2012, 08:47:17 pm »
I'll copy and paste this from another thing I've sent.

So it appears that 2 other members of my clan and myself have been banned in the last wave of the multi-accounting ban. I just wanted to explain a little. The following people are banned: Donny (Belthain on forums), Ethgar (same name on forums), and myself.

Donny is a RL from of mine and I messaged Meow awhile ago about how Donny comes over to my house and we do Strat things together since he's an officer in my clan. He's still new to Strat and getting used to the ropes of it so I do my best to get him integrated.

Ethgar has been sick as of late and has a new child, therefore I check in from time to time to make sure that he's still moving on the map and not just sitting in no mans land waiting for the enemy to attack him. As far as I know, Ethgar didn't know that he was violating anything by giving me his log in information to make sure that he doesn't die on the map.

Each of these people is a real person and these aren't just fake accounts owned by me or anything. If by some miracle you would unban us, each person will keep their hands on their own account. If you won't unban us all, please at least unban Donny, Ethgar, and Bronto (Added now that I know he was banned too). They are all good guys that deserve to play. I just was trying to be helpful when they both needed it.

Now that I know that Bronto has been banned as well, you can refer to his post that I've quoted here.

Prepare for complete honesty, also i had no idea this was cheating, just time managing but whatever.

So I'm globally banned for alleged multiaccounting. First off, Meow himself knows I have one account, he helped me transfer my main to it when I bought the game through steam. Also, being second in command of a clan, working full time and having two kids at home some times I would have our leader alter my route on strat if I didnt have time to. Is this a crime against humanity? Is it cheating by stealing resources, creating an army of full plate autonomous robot slaves with laser weapons hell bent on enslaving calradia? No, it's a "hey dude my guy is stuck on mountains, the baby is crying, my wife is putting our two year old in bed and I need you to click two inches to the left for me". Clearly not abusing anything but my lack of free time. If you could find it in your hearts to unban me post haste I would appreciate it.

Still don't know how this considered cheating, i put in all the work for the strat ticks and have been playing this game for over 2 years at this point. Logged thousands of hours (gen 26). On top of it all, this has only happened a few times, mostly when I've been on vacation or away for business or in a situation as above. I'm gen 26 and have never been banned for anything in this mod EVER. But whatever, if this is considered cheating and i remain banned then the supreme overlords have lost someone who spreads the good word about this mod.

I don't know if any of my other guys (who I've tweaked paths for to get them unstuck) have been banned, but if they have I will do penance for my crimes by moving to Canada and becoming a lumberjack (or writing an amazing essay) if you would find it in your hearts to unban them.

Thanks for taking the time to read this block of text.
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Rhalzo's already in Chaos' cooler older brother clan, he's fine riding his motorcycle around in a leather jacket smoking cigarettes with GIRLS, our little treehouse isn't his speed anymore.

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2012, 11:24:44 pm »
I'll copy and paste this from another thing I've sent.

So it appears that 2 other members of my clan and myself have been banned in the last wave of the multi-accounting ban. I just wanted to explain a little. The following people are banned: Donny (Belthain on forums), Ethgar (same name on forums), and myself.

Donny is a RL from of mine and I messaged Meow awhile ago about how Donny comes over to my house and we do Strat things together since he's an officer in my clan. He's still new to Strat and getting used to the ropes of it so I do my best to get him integrated.

Ethgar has been sick as of late and has a new child, therefore I check in from time to time to make sure that he's still moving on the map and not just sitting in no mans land waiting for the enemy to attack him. As far as I know, Ethgar didn't know that he was violating anything by giving me his log in information to make sure that he doesn't die on the map.

Each of these people is a real person and these aren't just fake accounts owned by me or anything. If by some miracle you would unban us, each person will keep their hands on their own account. If you won't unban us all, please at least unban Donny, Ethgar, and Bronto (Added now that I know he was banned too). They are all good guys that deserve to play. I just was trying to be helpful when they both needed it.

Now that I know that Bronto has been banned as well, you can refer to his post that I've quoted here.

I don't know if any of my other guys (who I've tweaked paths for to get them unstuck) have been banned, but if they have I will do penance for my crimes by moving to Canada and becoming a lumberjack (or writing an amazing essay) if you would find it in your hearts to unban them.

Thanks for taking the time to read this block of text.

Yeah, I got hit as well. I'm a full-time college student that has a 50 mile drive each way to university. I oftentimes just can't log into strat when I am needed to do something. Basically, what happens is this. I get home quite late at night from my classes, and oftentimes I am not home in time to stop myself from going somewhere dangerous or silly, or I get stuck on the map, or I need to make a small move that I'm not around for. That's it. I'm not an afk troop-farming machine. If you look at our strat faction's resources, we'd have a HELL of a lot more if we were abusing multi-accounting.

Oh, also, I log into strat at university whenever the wi-fi will cooperate with me (not often). I also log into strat at multiple friend's houses. Of course in your logs, I'm sure that you can see that I am logged in from Georgia IP addresses, as opposed to Rhalzo's Minnesota IP. (To avoid misunderstanding, I meant that you can see that I log into multiple IP addresses located in Georgia, as well as Rhalzo's IP in Minnesota.)

Anyway, I'm not attempting to deceive anyone, or do the whole "omg i got banned idk why im so offended" thing. The above text is the truth. I earn all of my strat ticks myself, most everyone in NA_1 probably recognizes me. Thanks for the time, folks.

An edit that may go unseen: I feel that the viewpoint of the majority of NA forum users should be taken into account. Ask most of them, and they'll tell you that they would rather see us unbanned than banned. They know that (as opposed to thing on the EU side), our multi-accounting was not intended to, nor did it impose any sort of advantage to us. Of course, we won't be doing it anymore if we're unbanned, but I feel that it is very important to note intent and outcome. I know most of the folks making the decision to unban us or keep us banned are across the pond in EUland, so they probably don't know us too well. Hopefully you can rely on the opinion of multiple well-noted and respected members of the NA community for character witnesses of a sort.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 09:51:54 pm by Sandersson Jankins »
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2012, 11:26:30 pm »
Why I'm banned? My game nick: Ericson_z_Biskupina_the_Grey  I play c-rpg and strategus on notebook. I use this notebook on home to play, on University to work. I use hot spots (coffe heaven, wifi on university, mcDonald and other places).
It is not legal? Why?? Why I'm banned?  I've plaied this game 1 year. I'm never use cheats, bugs and other and admins give's me a GIFT - BAN
It's a madness.....
Please unban me

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« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 09:15:16 pm by Bozydar_z_Biskupina »

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2012, 11:43:34 pm »
Hey there.

As my friend Rhalzo has mentioned, me and him are real life friends and we review strat. at his home. I'm not too talented at the logistics of strategus, so he will help guide me through on what to do when I visit him. I love this game, I love the mod, and I would love our clan mates to get another chance and secure our IP's so we won't let an incident like this happen again. And as Meow was informed by Rhalzo, he was informed a year back about how we talk strat at Rhalzo's home. A year is definitely a great amount of time, but I'm hoping you will unban my account so I may continue working on my pride and joy, Donny.
Thank you.

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2012, 12:27:43 am »

my character is dirty_maik, i'm a friend of aprassimov, so I can witness he's a real existing person. We live in different citys and from time to time we visiting each another. For example, I visited aprassimov last weekend at his place. We had have some beer and played cRPG parallel, each guy on his computer/laptop using the same LAN. There are also other friends of us (Werfried, Schinkenkopp). We are playing in one clan, most the time from several places (IP's) at the same time, chating, teamspeaking (so you can verify that each of us is a real existing person with only one account).

I want to support the unban of aprassimov. It's his favourite game and it's also the possibility for us to live our friendship over several hundreds of kilometers. It would be mean not to unban him.

I hope you admins will read this and check it once again
Thank you!


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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2012, 08:22:24 pm »

I was globally banned a day ago due to as Rhalzo stated above
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for him apparently doing a few things for me while I have been sick lately, and helping around the home with my 3 month old son.   I apologize for this, as I had no idea that it was against the rules.   If I would have known that, (Yes I did read all the rules and beginners guides when I started the mod, and apologize that I had forgot some of them, that I would not encounter every day while playing.) then this probably wouldn't have happened to myself. 

I actually had someone explain to me today, that there have been serious issues before in the past and that's why this rule is enforced so strongly.   I know I have not been an active member to the game for too long, seeing as I was only on my third generation character.   I have found a strong liking for the mod, and try to play it every chance I can, and guess all I can do is ask for forgiveness and be given a second chance to once again be able to play this mod.     

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a good evening.


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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2012, 10:54:46 pm »
To the devs, I'm sincerely sorry.  I was banned for multiaccounting in the latest wave.  I had no idea multiaccounting was against the rules, as I wasn't around for previous rounds of strategus and didn't know it was such an abusable mechanic.  I've been very busy taking care of my newborn son, so I've been letting Rhalzo handle some minor issues that've come up when I've been too busy to make it to my computer (getting stuck on a mountain mid trade route, etc).

Having spoken to some of the more seasoned players in teamspeak, I completely understand why this rule is neccessary.  I love this game, I love the people I've met playing this game, and I've sunk thousands of hours into my 26 generations. I would be truly upset if it was all for naught because of my mistake.  I didn't really gain anything from the multiaccounting, and I would be extremely grateful if the you would give me another chance.  I can promise whole-heartedly that you'll never see something like this from me again.

So has anyone reviewed this yet? Our fiefs have been attacked by everyone and we've lost all our S&D because we can't increase ranks of any members when we're globally banned. If you can take the time and consider why this error occurred I would greatly appreciate it. I wasn't generating false accounts to have more people on the strat map, nor abusing game mechanics to increase troops, gear or gold. I was just asking my friend to complete my missions while life suddenly got in the way.

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2012, 12:41:05 am »
I post here for Aprassimov.
I do this because now i know that it is apparantly my fault that he got banned.

After i had a chat with meow yesterday, he finally told me why he got banned. It is because he did use a proxy. I didnt knew that this also counts as cheating btw.
We booth live in Berlin and visit us quite often. I have a pc, on which i play and a laptop. On this laptop i use the program "tor" and some other privacy stuff (i am kind of paranoid on some things).
So sometimes he did log in on this laptop when he was at my home and did some things in strat. Two other friends did also use my laptop when i showed them how to join and manage things on strategus. And i did also use the laptop sometimes to manage some things in strat, for example when i was just too lazy to get up from the couch :).
So i don`t understand why only aprassimov got banned. He doesnt even know what a proxy is. When someone should be guilty, then it is me for using the proxy.

Me and Aprassimov play crpg almost since the beginning, i didnt care for strat until at the end of strat 3 Zlisch decided that i shall be the peasantking and we founded "Werfrieds Peasant Battalion". I told Aprassimov about it and he did join. As you can see at our faction, we did almost nothing on the map (besides holding amashke for one day). We have almost no gear and not much gold, when we had bigger battles we had to ask others to give us troops and support us.
We definitely did not multiaccounting. In our crpg-clan we are 6 people, we are all real life friends except Propaghandi (i did persuade him to join our clan and then never saw him again in crpg). My other 3 friends and clanmates (Dirty_Maik, TorteButcher and Schinkenkopp) are also in our strat faction but because they do not play so much, they cant do much in strategus.

So i apologize for using a proxy, it was never intended for cheating and i will make sure that this will never happen again.

But if you still think it is a banworthy behaviour, you have to ban me and not Aprassimov.

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2012, 02:28:38 am »
I post here for Aprassimov.

I vouch for both Werfried and Aprassimov; they are two selfless people and wouldnt even see the need to get a hold of an extra account. If for some reasons one of them was flagged, it is most certainly under some mitigating circumstances that they both explained very well.

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Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2012, 06:13:25 pm »
All unban requests have been reviewed and the people who not only told the truth but also did not try to intentionally hide their multiaccouting/account sharing and did it only a few times have been unbanned from cRPG.
They are still banned from strategus with unban dates depending on what they did.

We informed everyone who got unbanned via PMs.

Everyone who did not get a PM by now will stay banned permanently (most of the people).

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No, I actually gave you a different reason for the ban.