Update: November 29th
It begins! For the post of Hobb, a panda faces peril! Help us defeat these dastardly demons!
We of the Medici (read: "Braeden" and then adjust the upcoming grammar accordingly) hearby, being muchly bored and not having any enemies as it turns out, do hereby declareth war upon whoever posts in this thread, in the order in which they do post. Each individual war shall be engaged with forthwith, as soon as time and circumstance alloweth, and shall continue until we are sated in our bloodlust. Please note that we do not declare war on persons, finding the invidividual to not be a fitting opponent for one of such grand statuseth, and shall instead war upon factions, so if your friendeths go and start something don't go crying to us. eth.
(NA get preferred enemy status, too)
Update: November 5th
That'll do nicely. Locking topic until I manage to work through this backlog. Warning: there may be some delay due to my having limited times to actual play. Topic may never re-open.