Author Topic: Zombie Apocalypse  (Read 1755 times)

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Zombie Apocalypse
« on: October 30, 2012, 09:11:24 pm »
All out of sudden the dead start to come back to life, just to feast on the flesh of the living, driven on by an eternal and insatiable desire: hunger. They're no longer people, yet they wear the faces of the people that once were your friends and relatives.  You're going to have to make quick decisions as the world you once knew is crumbling all around you, the panic turning once so civilised people into selfish savages. The deepest human instinct wakes inside you as you begin to ponder how you're going to survive.

The described above is an unlike description of what the world may turn into. The theme seems to interest modern-day people, so I decided to bring it in here as well. Imaginate what you would do if such an epidemic got out of hand and feel free to share it with us. Will you grab the shotgun and hit the road, or stay in home with your family, assuming that a cure will be made soon and the government will pull you out from the hot-zone?
The world is yours.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 09:28:57 pm »
I would ask for advice on internet horses forums

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2012, 10:03:48 pm »
Get to my neighbour, take his sword and start cutting down zombies.


Oh and i forgot to mention that theres a castle ruin on a hill close to my home so i would go there ofc :)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 10:09:56 pm by Latrinenkobold »

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2012, 10:11:54 pm »
Michonne style, huh? 8')

I am not sure if I'd be ready for that. Nor if sword is the best possible weapon for taking out zombies. It sure is cool, but its reach is not that long and in close combat situation you'll be fucked. A knife would serve me just as well, and carrying it would be much easier than bringing a sword with a hilt with me all the time. Running with a hilt about your waist can be hard, and if you have it in your back, you won't be able to carry a backpack.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2012, 10:19:46 pm »
Michonne style, huh? 8')

I am not sure if I'd be ready for that. Nor if sword is the best possible weapon for taking out zombies. It sure is cool, but its reach is not that long and in close combat situation you'll be fucked. A knife would serve me just as well, and carrying it would be much easier than bringing a sword with a hilt with me all the time. Running with a hilt about your waist can be hard, and if you have it in your back, you won't be able to carry a backpack.
You should have said which kind of zombies you mean then :)

I mean there are these very slow zombies like in "The walking dead" or these very fast ones like in " Left for dead 2"

In the first case you could just backpeddle and outreach them xD

In the second case you are screwed anyway...

Also dat sword is badass.It´s made out of damast steel and is neither too long or too short 39 cut and 28 pierce!

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2012, 10:23:51 pm »
Well, there are a lot of Variables that would influence my decision:

First of all, what kind of Zombies are they(Slow, fast, only hs etc.), and through what do they come back to life(Virus[Also if Airborne or not], parasite, radiation etc.).

That is basic Information I would try to pick up as fast as I can.But generally, I would expect to hear about a thing like a "zombie apocalypse" slightly before it hits my town, since its relatively small(Or elsewhise I would interpret the signs correctly before others do and act accordingly).In this case, I would gather a few of my Friends(Regarding family that is important to me, I only have my mom, who lives in the same town anyway)and plunder 1-2 Supermarkets, maybe a construction material market, too(Note: I am pretty sure I could force enough supplies for us if I can get the friends Im thinking of).

Then, the problems begin.I live in germany, and we have few weapons, and all of them are safely locked and not easily accessible.Good thing though, In my town there are british barracks.I would probably avoid those at first, for there is a high chance that they will be hotspots for zombies and refugees alike.There is a small hunting shop in the core of town, where I would try to loot some melee weapons and maybe some ranged weapons like slings and crossbows.

Then, I would barricade myself with my friends in my apartment.I would also try to look after the other inhabitants of my house(I live in a relatively big house with 6-8 families, and 2 neighboring houses in my complex with about the same).If I succeed In getting most of them through the first few days and keeping my apartment block safe, I would start to fortify it.The Buildings are really old with thick, thick outher doors and walls(Unlikely for Zombies to get through if slightly improved).There is a Backyard, where food plants could be grown if we needed to stay for a longer time, and it can be made safe rather easily.It is covered by the houses on the big front side, and there are 2 relatively small gates(Hip-high)on each side where People can get in.Those can be build up to decent walls with a few people in a short time.Then, there is a hedge with a wooden fence on the other side, and another apartment complex.The hedge and fence need to be reinforced to adequately protect the back yard, but that can be done over some time.If the population of survivors increases further(More people finding our safehouse), we could also take on the other apartment complex and have a really good overall fortress, which could hold on for really long.

However, this would be in germany.If I was in a country like the USA when shit happens, I would probably start a Bikergang and ride around the country wildly massacring undead.

This is a rough oversight over what i would probably do if an apocalypse hit right now, but I really do plan to make a REAL anti-apocalypse clan in a few years.If I ever build a house, I will also build a safe cellar where I could survive apocalypses of many kinds.I am rather sure mankind will destroy/almost destroy itself at some point in the future if things dont change, and better to be safe than sorry.
Maybe it woud be better for me to find out where you life and kill you when you are satch a Soziopath. You have enough now.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2012, 10:28:09 pm »
Presuming the zombies are slow moving and you only get infected by being bitten. Id grab my double headed axe and sword along with every sharp knife in the house, and head to my college (place is very dam secure and has animals for food  :twisted: )

If not the above and just hope for the best? :mad:
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2012, 10:36:02 pm »
I left out the information about their abilities on purpose as at first you'd be shocked and would not know what you'd be facing. Observing the threat from afar at first would be what I'd suggest to do. Same goes to killing one; best learn it carefully before running outside with your neighbors sword, hacking down whoever tries to bite you.

B3RS3RK also made a good point about the way it spreads. You can make up that by yourselves, were you immune to airborne spreading disease or just another human trying to avoid being bitten.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2012, 10:37:00 pm »
What's up with the sword bandwagon?

You're better off with blunt weapons against a possible undead threat.

Also blunt weapons can't lose their "edge", since they have none.

PS: Actually, this is one of those few situations where a reinforced Katana would shine though.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 10:40:38 pm by Christo »
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2012, 10:41:10 pm »
Zombies can't exist.

Unless they're demonic Satan zombies from Mars.

Then there's already a field manual for that.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2012, 11:14:12 pm »
What's up with the sword bandwagon?

You're better off with blunt weapons against a possible undead threat.

Also blunt weapons can't lose their "edge", since they have none.

PS: Actually, this is one of those few situations where a reinforced Katana would shine though.

Really good point, Only reason Id use the axe and sword is because their right next to me xD

If I had to scavenge for weapons, blunt really would be the superb choice, Id probably go for hammers and bats over anything else given the choice :3 INFACT a poleaxe would be very nice (like the normal one in cRPG or the elegant not one with a pick) 
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2012, 11:18:11 pm »
You can still bash skulls with a dull blade and inflict wounds, trust me, I am the careless owner of a sword or two.

We actually have a plan, meet at one of my friend place with all the weapons we have (so mostly my swords and my bow) and break all the stairs, and use removeable access to bring in the ressources we need.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2012, 11:29:00 pm »
I would hijack a plane and fly to Area 51 and get loaded on gear and then get to a mall. Clear out and barricade the entrances and then sit on the roof and camp and shoot them with my awesomely scavenged rifles till they're all gone whilst having near endless supplies of food nearby. And can play SP games hopefully in the mall.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2012, 01:07:30 am »
Run to the nearest landing strip, get an AS50 and start killing other people.


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Re: Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2012, 02:04:28 am »
For Weapons, aquiring two of those visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Would be awesome.After some training you could easily fight 2 undead or more at once.

Good ol´ trenchknife.The pointy thing goes into the head and the brassknuckle gives you space.

Also usable in close quarters and it doesnt consume as much energy to use as clubs and the like to.

Oh, before someone tries to flame me with the "lol 2 weapunz nooooob nobody ever used that lolol" :

Its an entirely different situation if you fight "stupid" zombies without weapons to counter your blades than fighting with for example 2 swords against an intelligent opponent.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 02:08:37 am by B3RS3RK »
Maybe it woud be better for me to find out where you life and kill you when you are satch a Soziopath. You have enough now.
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