No, we have HRE and GK who are NA players. Like, in America and Canada.
The Coalition has understood there to be a gentleman's agreement that EU would not cross armies to NA and vice versa. Trading was allowed but nothing more. We've abided by it completely- everything EU Coalition owns stays there, everything NA Coalition owns stays there.
It looks like Occitan doesn't think that way. Unless the single guy built up the army and the gold and the equipment to attack Tilbaut Castle alone. If that door has been opened, then expect us to react accordingly.
Edit add: You changed your first post... sorry if this post doesn't make sense.
We didn't attack nor have we declared war on Hospitaller. Really, Hospis are fighting Hero Party, so we share a mutual enemy. We attacked KUTT for lengthy reasons in other posts.
Thanks for the answer. I didn't mean to imply that you guys are fighting hospitaller in any way; apologies if it sounded that way. I simply meant that the majority of battles going on right now are between various factions and hospitaller (and kutt, I suppose currently). A large portion of those have been peasant slaughters that are frustrating for people wanting XP, and equally frustrating for people simply itching for a good tussle.
I really am genuine in my hope that your EU side sends some armies over. I'm not trying to talk shit with "LOL WATCH THEIR EU BROS BAIL THEM OUT". You Fallen guys are getting ganged up on in a big way; although you probably didn't help yourselves with attacking Kutt in a (seemingly) dastardly fashion. I just want some big nice fights. It's a damn shame that we can't get a server on an artificial island in the middle of the Atlantic.
Why don't you guys just join the Chaos faction already?
Also, any bets on who's going to be the fifth clan to declare war on Fallen?
We're not in CHAOS because we suck too bad; they'd never let us in.
It's also worth pointing out that Fallen initiated the conflict against KUTT. I wouldn't say that KUTT ever declared war on Fallen. The brigade took care of the declaration for them, in a sense.