KUTT: If you only had 11 active members out of a 40+ roster in this round of Strategus, then why did you not think to go out and look for some people who ARE active and competent? Why are you literally the only NA clan out of any of the ones worth mentioning that is unambiguously NOT looking for new members, as stated on the topic of your faction halls page? I do not mean to give offense, but these seem like very poor decisions on the part of your leadership. Like in real life, someone would be losing his job and hedge fund pensions for mistakes of this magnitude.
Gotta jump back in here, thread is fading, and we've yet to make it to 13 pages.
Many people believe that we are too big in game even with the 40 members. Of those 40, 32 are very active, meaning on Sunday nights our teamspeak can get up to 25-30 KUTT members and I'm sure Siege players can tell you the rest of this story. We do not want more members, and Xeen has made it clear it will be a while before we get more members. We did manage to take on a few vassals under our faction in Strategus such as Teutonics and Swiss and a few random players with no home to go to, but as for recruiting new members we didn't do that.
I have yet to see Tears defend the "We would never reneg on any deal with KUTT" statement that you made, when you reneged almost immediately on a deal made kindly between ourselves and your clan regarding Dutchy. Where is the story in that? All it is is greed, you saw what goods he carried and broke your word to give him safe passage. Dishonorable.