here is a quote from Andsvaru from a PM he send me.
well Ginger I can tell you something the russians didnt cheat this round
So you knew about cheating before ?
And you admit you yourself know some of this or you would not say that.
So me asking HONEST independent players is begging ?
Things u will never see in any other game is:
A player on stratmap from greys T Union Drx NEVER GAIN TROOPS !!!!!!! Why u think ?
They never played cRPG, No battles in strategus and no forum post.
I see they white DRZ (BOTS) and its frustrating playing against cheaters, but i find meaning in destroying your better equipped army's.
Nahhh i say F U all, il fight u. and those battles we win there cheating ass should bleed.
to quote chadz as well when reporting the cheaters ( If we ban all cheaters there wont be any players left)
So basically that leaves us 1 option for making a fight, to get the playerbase to see what your side is doing so they understand they have to help us or go down in the drain. Cuz we seen how Nords or UIF treats independent traders dont we.