edit:my central point is to:
---add a mechanism that decreases wpf whilst and/or just after running full speed. that way, ranged is less accurate if excessively kiting. This implicates him either moving earlier, shooting at closer range or turning to his support weapon, and therefor leveling the chances for melee vs ranged situations.
how this can be implemented best (bjord has a point here), and if it is worth thinking about at all, is what I would like to discuss.
my first idea was to do this:everyone gets the same base movement speed and a sprint feature that depends on the things running speed now is influenced by (athl, equ. weight)
(has his downsides, see bjords post)during the cooldown of said sprint, the wpf is reduced by x% (50?), so an archer that sprinted away can still shoot, but not as effectively, making it a better option to engage with his melee wep, as melee isnt effected by low wpf as much as ranged is.
same base running also allows for moving shieldwalls,
a nice sideeffect of this thought, but can be implemented in better ways, se J's postplease discuss, add ideas and feel free to do whatever,