Author Topic: [GROUND BREAKING IDEAS] Witcher 1 mechanics, Accel World ideas and one more thin  (Read 821 times)

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Offline RUSSOxD2366

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'Ill try to make this as short as possible' im gonna write it while im still high O.O.

A)Adding more depth to combat: By changing animation attacks on the go of a battle, just like in witcher 1, pressing Q will load 4 new moves and can cycle depending on the weapon type (THIS REVOLUTIONARY DEPH IN GAME CAN ADD DUAL WIELDING TO THE GAME)
ex: warspear, cycle 1 normal animation, cycle 2 will enable the overhead spear trust and the keeping the spear on guard to incoming cav.
ps: make stamina become an atribute and make it like the one in The elder scrools Oblivion

B)Buying your way to the top: taking the anime Accel World we can use as reference, is the level system, whitout changing anything we already have ,only the leveling up system 35+, making lvl 40 the hardcap and 35 the softcap where you can only lvl up from there if you defeat another lvl 35 player whit the conditions: losing you degrade a lvl(can change to go back to lvl 1 or lvl 30 or just lvl 34 its up to chadz)you will always return to the lvl it is decided as a condition(it can even be losing your character O.O), wining you gain a lvl and gets you a little closer to finishing the game. Its up to chadz to make a surprise to the winner xD.
ps: lvl 36 can only lvl up to lvl 37 if he defeats another lvl 36 and so forth, making the lvl 39 the ultimate battle whit the condition to going back to lvl 1 O.O
and then this takes us to the last addition
Make an abilitation button for these high lvls players to accept these kinds of duels.

C)Game mode: Just Add a jousting range in the duel server, i've been dreaming about jousting in that server ever since i bought this game.

Tell me whachu think

Offline RUSSOxD2366

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plz, only constructive replys dont come b*tching around plz

Offline RUSSOxD2366

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the anime called Sword Art Online, got some M&B cRPG mechanics xD, it has a solid 9.3 on imdb too
if you guys are going to make this an MMO someday id look there first

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Offline To Kill A Dead Horse

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Was my first reaction..... then I started to comprehend what you are saying.

Suggestion feedback
 A: Adding stamina would make spamming difficult and people might have to be careful with their swings. Also, Im all for adding new -animations like the over-head stab that is used is WFaS and NW instead of this gimped animations (Of course this would only apply to spears so certain polearms like the bill wouldn't be fucked over because their over-head is the designed purpose.

B: I don't know how that would work with the retiring system we have now imagine only the good people getting a crap ton of looms x5 as fast as worse people.

C: I think we just need to make an offical duel map with jousting lists, arenas and what not.

P.S. I love you Russo, and BG was the greatest clan ever (back when Haven was still an active clan).
Quote from: Baggy
If your going to be staring at your characters ass in game all day it might as well be a female one.
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Offline RUSSOxD2366

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Was my first reaction..... then I started to comprehend what you are saying.

Suggestion feedback
 A: Adding stamina would make spamming difficult and people might have to be careful with their swings. Also, Im all for adding new -animations like the over-head stab that is used is WFaS and NW instead of this gimped animations (Of course this would only apply to spears so certain polearms like the bill wouldn't be fucked over because their over-head is the designed purpose.

B: I don't know how that would work with the retiring system we have now imagine only the good people getting a crap ton of looms x5 as fast as worse people.

C: I think we just need to make an offical duel map with jousting lists, arenas and what not.

P.S. I love you Russo, and BG was the greatest clan ever (back when Haven was still an active clan).

B. that would even enable making duels for castle possible, imagine dueling for a CASTLE!!! JUST LIKE IN GAME OF THRONES

C. Agreed

P.S. I love you more, and BG was the greatest