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You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.
Every time I join Nditions duel server I witness shamelessly obvious macro feint users that make me sick.
Feints such as this do not require macros, and are not terribly difficult to execute.
Hard to tell if you're actually feinting or just wiggling your camera around wildly. This isn't what people feint like in Native anyway (that's for EU, dunno about NA).
Bjord, you need to like, loosen up man, maybe even meet some real people in real life, go outside man.
I play native whenever I want skill-based dueling. cRPG isn't as good for that anymore. I also play native whenever I want to play some Warband but none of the KUTT dudes are on. The cRPG devs did one thing right: Make cRPG incredibly team-based. Now I only bother playing cRPG when I know that I have competent people next to me.
Tobi does, although he controls his camera movements far better, and has more variety in his feints.
Tobi doesn't just wiggle his camera around.
I hate to love this game