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Strat without any of these guys involved in it will be forum based game with bunch of whinners
I confirm, what I have managed almost all my clan-teammates accounts on strategus
I'm sure you meant without this one guy
forum warrior
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
you misunderstood the.I did not use the other keys.I just managed to startegus those, who did not have time for this.and sorry for my english, forum warrior
Hell I'm so jelly at these illiterate easterners sometimes, they make such a good custom titles...."forum warrior" for Vibe, "filthy donkey" for chadz, "cheating cunt" for Rantrex.....why cant I get to think of it first.....
Of what use are the forums to you Ruskies anyway, Vovka? You barely manage to make intelligible sentences. Not to mention your attempts at insulting...