Derp. Not giving MORE advantages to low ping players makes this game chess?
Stomping on any idea that might make the game harder for the half percent that plays with a 100+ ping before having any clue how it would play out, yeah that kind of attitude wouldn't have gotten multiplayer gaming past chess.
Luckily we are way past making games so that people from Nepal can play as well. The blocking and attacking system is high ping unfriendly to the extent that this suggestion wouldn't change anything. You do not even have to be faster with your block to do this. If you can block now, you can also tap it, as blocking an attack means clicking RMB before the attack hits you. You would have the same window to do this, you just need to get the timing right. Once you get a feel for it, you will be able to do it consistently, even if it means clicking a bit before the attack hits you on your screen. Whether you have 30 ms or 150, you develop your timing based on what works, not necessarily on what you see.
I can consistently chamberblock on NA, once I work out when to do it.