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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #570 on: November 08, 2014, 07:27:52 am »
Objectively, nothing is a problem and abstraction is absurd. Nevertheless, I would like KoS to be solved, because DayZ is just an underpop shooter if there aren't any friendlies/neutrals.
You would like KoS to be solved, that doesn't mean it's something rocket "failed to solve."

There's already people who don't KoS, and even though my policy is KoS, even I had some cooperation once with a guy, when my legs were broken in a city and he healed me up. I'd say it's fine. In fact, without KoS being the default, the game would be a thousand times more boring.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #571 on: November 08, 2014, 05:04:20 pm »
M50 is free for anyone with the Arena Commander pass to test drive this week.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #572 on: November 09, 2014, 11:19:40 am »
Is the alpha/beta actually fun to play now?

You would like KoS to be solved, that doesn't mean it's something rocket "failed to solve."

There's already people who don't KoS, and even though my policy is KoS, even I had some cooperation once with a guy, when my legs were broken in a city and he healed me up. I'd say it's fine. In fact, without KoS being the default, the game would be a thousand times more boring.

We got different tastes then. I'd argue that requiring assistance because you broke your legs isn't really a sign that they did anything as that was already present in the mod.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #573 on: November 09, 2014, 12:16:44 pm »

We got different tastes then. I'd argue that requiring assistance because you broke your legs isn't really a sign that they did anything as that was already present in the mod.
It happened in the mod. That's the point. I don't think anything needs to be done. Many people agree. So you can't blame rocket for not "fixing it", others would blame him for doing it. Not a design flaw.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #574 on: November 09, 2014, 01:30:49 pm »
Is the alpha/beta actually fun to play now?

Depends on the controller you use. It is much better now for joystick users than before, because they made it much smoother and added aim assist (or auto aim if you to call it). Doubt it will ever be fun to be play with mouse and keyboard, just like any other spacesim. It is easy, always was, but there is no fun in it, at least not for me.

I'm talking about Vanduul Swarm mods, where you play against AI alone or in group. PvP isn't fun, because maps are too small and people too retarded for it to be enjoyable. With massive maps and more players it will be a blast. Currently reminds me of Call of Duty multiplayer and I don't like that shit.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #575 on: November 11, 2014, 04:06:46 pm »
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Meaning lies as much
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #577 on: November 13, 2014, 01:41:28 pm »

Ugh, that doesn't sound good to me. It all comes down to how big of an effect ingame money can have. I'm against buying any ingame advantage with real money, even if that means a subscription. I've recently been burned by "yeah, you can buy ingame stuff with real money, but anything you can buy with real money is also obtainable in game" or the typical "they can buy shit but the better player can still win", which is imo a crap excuse that comes to a negative effect when you're against an equally skilled opponent.

Any advantage, big or small, payed with real money, can be called unfair. We'll see how pay2win it will really get when they actually put out what and in what quantities can be bought. I think Chris here doesn't realize "pay2win" isn't only purchasing instawin items only accessible in cash shop (ala AZN MMOs).
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 01:46:24 pm by Vibe »

Offline Xant

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #578 on: November 13, 2014, 02:38:38 pm »
Ugh, that doesn't sound good to me. It all comes down to how big of an effect ingame money can have. I'm against buying any ingame advantage with real money, even if that means a subscription. I've recently been burned by "yeah, you can buy ingame stuff with real money, but anything you can buy with real money is also obtainable in game" or the typical "they can buy shit but the better player can still win", which is imo a crap excuse that comes to a negative effect when you're against an equally skilled opponent.

Any advantage, big or small, payed with real money, can be called unfair. We'll see how pay2win it will really get when they actually put out what and in what quantities can be bought. I think Chris here doesn't realize "pay2win" isn't only purchasing instawin items only accessible in cash shop (ala AZN MMOs).
Have you played Arena Commander, though? Skill plays a massive role already, and it's only going to get more complicated in the PU. I don't see a real difference between facing someone who spends 24/7 farming resources in his mother's basement and thus has a good ship versus facing someone who only has a couple of hours a week to play and bought some credits to upgrade his ship with -- except that the farmer is likely better at actually piloting his ship. And Roberts said there'll be a limit on how many credits you can buy, plus it shouldn't be too difficult to get more-or-less top class fighters.

So I think it depends. You don't know whether the guy you're facing has a better ship because of time spent grinding or real money spent. What does it matter? Also, most of the ships should be sidegrades, not straight upgrades.

As long as you can get a competitive ship in a decent amount of time, and skill is the most important thing, I don't really care what they sell. If the game is good, I've no doubt I'll also have the best stuff just by playing the game soon enough.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #579 on: November 13, 2014, 04:27:17 pm »
Have you played Arena Commander, though? Skill plays a massive role already, and it's only going to get more complicated in the PU. I don't see a real difference between facing someone who spends 24/7 farming resources in his mother's basement and thus has a good ship versus facing someone who only has a couple of hours a week to play and bought some credits to upgrade his ship with -- except that the farmer is likely better at actually piloting his ship. And Roberts said there'll be a limit on how many credits you can buy, plus it shouldn't be too difficult to get more-or-less top class fighters.

So I think it depends. You don't know whether the guy you're facing has a better ship because of time spent grinding or real money spent. What does it matter? Also, most of the ships should be sidegrades, not straight upgrades.

As long as you can get a competitive ship in a decent amount of time, and skill is the most important thing, I don't really care what they sell. If the game is good, I've no doubt I'll also have the best stuff just by playing the game soon enough.

Yeah, all depends on how it's all going to play out. I don't see a problem if anything that can be bought can also be achieved in reasonable time via normal gameplay.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #580 on: November 16, 2014, 05:21:42 am »
Got a HOTAS setup recently.

It's a big step up from my xbox controller, it has a good amount more control to it. Still trying to figure out what are the best keybinds for me, keep switching strafe between the throttle 4-way hats and the joystick. Settled on throttle; worse hat shape, but I have a better grip on the stick this way, works out better for my secondary weapon group too.

With all the recent changes, it's pretty fun to use my HOTAS in SC. I was contemplating HOMAS for awhile, but I have a right handed stick and mouse, which was an oversight :P.
It's an X-55 for those who care (managed to snag one 'cheap' off a reputable but not well known website due to a pricing error :wink:). Was seriously tempted by a T16000M though, but I wanted HOTAS with a lotta buttons.

I am however disliking the current P2W setup in AC, but I heard somewhere they are planning on temporary credits for guns/ship upgrades. (stahp nerfing my 300i!)

Does anyone know if private matches are back up or not?
I have a friend who refuses to play until it's working (and I can't find mention of it).

Offline Xant

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #581 on: November 16, 2014, 08:26:24 am »
I am however disliking the current P2W setup in AC, but I heard somewhere they are planning on temporary credits for guns/ship upgrades. (stahp nerfing my 300i!)
How is there a P2W setup in AC?

300i is an explorer, not a dogfighter. Obviously dedicated dogfighters will beat it.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #582 on: November 16, 2014, 01:01:05 pm »
Because you can't earn credits atm and can't buy ships with credits. That will change tho.

There is a valid + for CIG selling credits, if they don't do it someone else will (chinese farmers). It's not like in WoW everybody is playing on the same terms, many players are buying illegal gold/items and those who didn't preorder last expansion won't get lvl 90 char for free.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #583 on: November 16, 2014, 04:12:01 pm »
Because you can't earn credits atm and can't buy ships with credits. That will change tho.

There is a valid + for CIG selling credits, if they don't do it someone else will (chinese farmers). It's not like in WoW everybody is playing on the same terms, many players are buying illegal gold/items and those who didn't preorder last expansion won't get lvl 90 char for free.
Yes, there is no such thing as a MMO with no "pay to win." If it's not done officially, it's done by Chinese gold farmers. Star Citizen comes closest to no pay-to-win whatsoever, because skill plays such a huge part, and anyone could in theory take out anyone, and there's no leveling up.

Still, even currently, it doesn't matter unless you want to PvP in the current alpha-AC. If you do, well, of course you're going to do worse in a dogfighting module than a ship that is a dogfighter if you play with a luxury explorer... the advantages that 300i has over a Hornet are elsewhere, like more cargo space and the capacity to carry passengers.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #584 on: November 16, 2014, 05:16:03 pm »
How is there a P2W setup in AC?

300i is an explorer, not a dogfighter. Obviously dedicated dogfighters will beat it.

Obviously, but with no way to get the dedicated dogfighters/racers other than parting with real cash, that's P2W.
Until they put in an ingame way of getting credits or try to group like ships together, it's very much P2W atm.

Anyway the 300i was originally listed as a combat-capable ship (interdiction, Bounty hunter package iirc). Only the 315p variant is exploration oriented.