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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #540 on: November 04, 2014, 12:25:38 am »
Heard something about March in the livestream, for FPS availability.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #541 on: November 04, 2014, 12:32:08 am »
If that happens, and chances that it will end flawlessly are quite slim (they might deliver everything they promised, it may look very good, but I'm not so sure will it be fun as we all imagine it to be), we are still at least one year, realistically two or more year away from that. In this world we're living in, two years are both short and long, depends on perspective. Time generally flies by faster then ever, but for some reason I can't vouch all of us will be alive in next two years (not saying that like I want that to happen, it's just that I'm not really comfortable with everything that happens in my surrounding and beyond as of lately).

CIG have sped up development quite a bit, got their systems running and organization is much better than before but... there is a ton of stuff to be done and every time they seem to raise the detail bar higher. Honestly didn't expect them to care for so much tiny details for FPS portion of the game, it is truly excessive and goes above most standalone online shooters. Imagine if someone implanted idea of space melee fights being awesome into CR's head. Already see them trying to replicate M&B combat model, imbuing it with physical feedback (something M&B is seriously lacking) and maybe even going as far trying to replicate Jedi fights. Human mind have no limits when it start daydreaming, it is possible to really go into tiniest details while making a game. But line has to be drawn somewhere or you'll never deliver.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #542 on: November 04, 2014, 01:32:44 am »
Well there is going to be grappling (afaik), with knives and stuff.
Vanduul will probably have melee weapons, so who knows.

Offline Xant

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #543 on: November 04, 2014, 04:08:28 am »
Wasn't hyped for SC before all that FPS stuff, I am now. It's going to be like 4 AAA games in one. The FPS portion already looks like BF/CoD/whatever even though it's ~6 months from alpha and they haven't done mocap and leaning, cover system etc still aren't in.

I'll probably not do dogfighting at all, just focus on the boarding/FPS planetside stuff.

Re: it not being fun, just look at DayZ. It has shit mechanics, truth be told, yet it's fun because firefights have consequences. It won't take much to make the FPS portion fun in the Persistent Universe, with real consequences and a "backdrop" to all your actions.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #544 on: November 04, 2014, 08:12:30 am »
I just saw the FPS video. So this FPS part is connected to boarding, or does it happen in any other event as well?

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #545 on: November 04, 2014, 12:44:09 pm »
Next year (February/March) they'll release so called FPS module, which is basically stripped down version of your average online shooter. Standard game modes, lobby based multiplayer, probably 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8, squad based close combat fighting on small/medium sized maps. Bunch of different weapons, grenades and gadgets. Expect basic stuff like scoreboard, but don't expect achievements and weapon upgrades like in CoD/BF.

'Shortly' after that, they'll release something called social planetside module which should be ingame lobby filled with avatars where you'll probably be able to run around hangar, visit some bar and other places and go to dogfighting/racing/fps arenas. At that time multicrew ships should be playable (some of them). That will be the cornerstone of persistent universe design, something that will be upgraded with vast space, other planets, star systems etc. Loading screens will be minimized/concealed/eradicated over time.

FPS in finished game will be present in form of 'simulation' which is aforementioned lobby based arena fighting, boarding on ships, outside ships (on top of hull), in mining facilities, asteroids and specially designed planets which will be lawless and open for 24/7 fighting like in Planetside 2. They will also create lawless pockets on every planet over time, after release so you'll be able to leave cities and go into wilderness. But not at release. Only dedicated planets for that sort of stuff.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #546 on: November 04, 2014, 12:47:14 pm »
Well there is going to be grappling (afaik), with knives and stuff.
Vanduul will probably have melee weapons, so who knows.

Early in development, ages ago, Chris Roberts mentioned energy blades (like in KotOR), I'm not sure is that still part of the lore. Anyway, would like to see something like lightsabers, modified enough to avoid copyright infringement.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #547 on: November 04, 2014, 01:42:41 pm »
Next year (February/March) they'll release so called FPS module, which is basically stripped down version of your average online shooter. Standard game modes, lobby based multiplayer, probably 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8, squad based close combat fighting on small/medium sized maps. Bunch of different weapons, grenades and gadgets. Expect basic stuff like scoreboard, but don't expect achievements and weapon upgrades like in CoD/BF.

'Shortly' after that, they'll release something called social planetside module which should be ingame lobby filled with avatars where you'll probably be able to run around hangar, visit some bar and other places and go to dogfighting/racing/fps arenas. At that time multicrew ships should be playable (some of them). That will be the cornerstone of persistent universe design, something that will be upgraded with vast space, other planets, star systems etc. Loading screens will be minimized/concealed/eradicated over time.

FPS in finished game will be present in form of 'simulation' which is aforementioned lobby based arena fighting, boarding on ships, outside ships (on top of hull), in mining facilities, asteroids and specially designed planets which will be lawless and open for 24/7 fighting like in Planetside 2. They will also create lawless pockets on every planet over time, after release so you'll be able to leave cities and go into wilderness. But not at release. Only dedicated planets for that sort of stuff.

Usually I would just laugh at such ambitions, but considering how much money they've accrued... who knows. Sounds great though.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #548 on: November 04, 2014, 03:03:19 pm »
What I wrote there is a toned down version or my own impression of the game based on two years of following news about it. You should watch Ten for Chairman episode and hear the man in charge answering to crazy questions. Or read that quote Xant left few posts above.

They even promised some sort of procedural generation for later stages, which will allow fully manual landing on planets process and unlimited exploration. But Elite: Dangerous should have that in a year or so, CIG aren't the only people with crazy ideas.

Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen will have similar gameplay traits but done differently. SC will be more cinematic, more Hollywood style with oorah marines, unique space environments (movie style), basically over the top version of space opera. Keywords for Star Citizen are fidelity and awesome. E:D is different type of space game, with old-school looks and gameplay, set in a infinite space, fully open, no loading, no cinematics, no campaign, little bit back story. FPS portion in elite will be more Wild West style or like Star Wars. Keywords for Elite: Dangerous are stylish and freedom.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #549 on: November 04, 2014, 03:53:30 pm »
Their goal is also to allow boarding capital ships, which would mean massive FPS fights in space while dogfighters are fighting outside the ship.

It's hard to know what they're going to end up with regarding FPS in the PU in the end, though, since they've already changed some of their statements from 2013, and some of the stuff they say "NOWHERE is safe, you can be PvP'd anywhere, just with heavy consequences in UEE space" makes it sound like it won't be very restricted.

And yeah, read the thing I quoted from the reddit AMA. They are definitely very ambitious..

However, I'm optimistic. They've raised tons of money, and continue to raise more. Roberts seems awesome and has the right ideas about pretty much everything. The FPS team seems to be focusing on the right things as well, especially judging from the interview.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #550 on: November 04, 2014, 04:03:17 pm »
This game and Elite: Dangerous.

Space game renaissance man. Awesome

I saw the FPS combat and it looked promising in that livestream. Even low grav fights could happen.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #551 on: November 04, 2014, 04:50:38 pm »
It will be interesting to see where teh hardware is in 2 years as well.  Considering they are working with top of the range stuff now who knows how it will be by the full PU release.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #552 on: November 04, 2014, 05:06:45 pm »
Their goal is also to allow boarding capital ships, which would mean massive FPS fights in space while dogfighters are fighting outside the ship.

It's hard to know what they're going to end up with regarding FPS in the PU in the end, though, since they've already changed some of their statements from 2013, and some of the stuff they say "NOWHERE is safe, you can be PvP'd anywhere, just with heavy consequences in UEE space" makes it sound like it won't be very restricted.

And yeah, read the thing I quoted from the reddit AMA. They are definitely very ambitious..

However, I'm optimistic. They've raised tons of money, and continue to raise more. Roberts seems awesome and has the right ideas about pretty much everything. The FPS team seems to be focusing on the right things as well, especially judging from the interview.

Star system security will be done just like in Elite. There are different kinds of star systems with various levels or security. You can expect UEE systems to have heavy security and dogfighting there will be very risky business. You can attack anyone but at cost of being attacked by aggressive UEE police. There are many Elite videos showing how NPC convict has been attacked by multiple Federation NPC ships, they will even aid you as a bounty hunter if you're clean. As for FPS, you won't be able to carry weapons in town centers because they will be taken from you at the gate by guards.

As for boarding action, big ships will be instanced to allow for them to be part of bigger battles. That means boarding action inside the ship won't share same instance with the ship itself in the universe fighting other ship, from what I understood. What troubles me, is the fact they say it will be possible for surroundings to influence inside the ship to some degree. How they plan to achieve that is unclear to me, because those will be two separate instanced. Maybe they will develop complex instancing systems which will expose only certain systems to one instance which will be somehow connected to both 'full' instances (inside the ship and outside space).

FPS boarding will be very focused, not Battlefield type of madness. Will be more like Natural Selection, with objectives. There will be many security measures in capital ships and boarders will have to choose their strategy how to breach the hull, where to go, which doors to breach, should they hack the ship systems or blow them away, should they infiltrate themselves or Rambo style.

So far many systems have been developed, such as gravity (as seen in FPS reveal on PAX AUS), air and pressure (as seen in multicrew ship reveal during Gamescom), water and fluids will be a thing, many systems covering human body (much like Deus Ex), g forces, various damage systems (there won't be 'total' destruction like in BF games, it will be more subtle but very specific), physics that is going behind movement of ships, complex animation system that is driving player movements. Many different systems in the background means a lot of calculation and if they make it server side I can see player count suffering. That is why instancing will be 'advanced'.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #553 on: November 04, 2014, 05:12:47 pm »
It will be interesting to see where teh hardware is in 2 years as well.  Considering they are working with top of the range stuff now who knows how it will be by the full PU release.

Latests projection by Roberts is 780 for medium settings on actual release, next gen GPU for ultra settings. During development it will be more demanding due to optimizations kicking late in the process. Currently you can run it on max with 980 just fine, even in 1440p.

Game will support insanely huge textures to accompany silly polygon count and to make 8K gaming a treat. They will fully support 4K/8K resolutions at launch. What is currently subpar, compared to some CGI rendered scenes of upcoming next gen games is lightning a bit and engine is lacking certain techniques (apart from obvious lack of AA) to make it look softer, just like most next gen games will look. It would be a shame if they don't upgrade rendering engine to rival the best out there, considering the fact they probably have highest poly count in the industry atm.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #554 on: November 04, 2014, 07:16:51 pm »
As for FPS, you won't be able to carry weapons in town centers because they will be taken from you at the gate by guards.
Yes, but the FPS team has said they're including brawling and melee combat as well.
As for boarding action, big ships will be instanced to allow for them to be part of bigger battles. That means boarding action inside the ship won't share same instance with the ship itself in the universe fighting other ship, from what I understood.
Pretty sure that's the exact opposite of what they've said. And it wouldn't make sense the way you describe it, considering everything they've said about the FPS system with being sucked into space etc.

FPS boarding will be very focused, not Battlefield type of madness. Will be more like Natural Selection, with objectives.
Objectives? There will be no real objectives in the PU boarding, the objective-based gameplay will be in the FPS module and maybe in larger ground battles. With the boarding you can do whatever you want. If you kill all the enemies, you win. Or you can just jump out of the ship with some goodies if you want.

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