Hahahaha, Xant doing God's work in here. SC fanbois would be proud of you. Now if we only could arrange duel between you and Derek Mr Smart, that would be glorious
Thing about Elite: Dangerous, it will be immeasurably vast when done but much lower attention to detail will make it look bland compared to Star Citizen. People are already bored by space stations, no matter how glorious they once looked there is only couple types and they look virtually the same. Imagine same story with planetside stuff...
Another important detail, regarding both games. Even though Elite will be much larger content wise (despite the fact it actually has less unique props), Star Citizen will also be too big for its own good. Starting area that has been released need to be populated with mechanics and AI (currently it is nothing but pretty scenery). When it happens bar will work, you'll be able to interact with other players on meaningful level never seen before in MMO and also with AI which will be like in Elder Scrolls (going home, doing work, having personality etc.) After they add everything planned that somewhat small looking area will become big enough. Problem is that is only third of that particular planetary landing area and one of the smaller ones. In that Star System there are three more planets, and there will be at least 65 Star Systems (with names and history so far, promised 125). Not every Star System will have a city attached but it safe to stay there will be at very least 50 cities and some of them will be much bigger than ArcCorp Area 18 (currently present).
What I'm trying to say it that final Star Citizen will be too big for even player community such as World of Warcraft's. Even World of Warcraft can feel empty at times and that map is gonna be tiny compared to Star Citizen explorable areas. That is why they are developing decent AI to populate universe, 20 million actors to be precise. If Elite doesn't do the same after planetary landings project has been fully finished, it will feel even more like ghost town that it does feel right now.