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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #435 on: June 04, 2014, 04:21:20 pm »
"A man on the steppe with no friends is as narrow as a finger; a man with friends is as wide as the steppe"

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #436 on: June 04, 2014, 07:29:53 pm »
ugh I have to redownload everything and it's 10Gb at 700k/s

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #437 on: June 04, 2014, 07:40:31 pm »
Just got home, 3 hours DL.

hmmm, sleep or SC, tough choice.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #438 on: June 05, 2014, 12:52:10 am »
auto-aim, text mysteriously appearing on-screen, missiles too good, lasers too bad, a couple random crashes, sometimes targetting reticle doesn't exist, can't rebind keys, AI super dumb e-z mode, can't play multiplayer, shields recharge too quickly, ship UI needs improvement, head clips through the top of the ship when boarding/unboarding, hilarious spaceman animations, helmet issues, godawful loadout selection UI (not that I have anything I can alter in it), not enough to do yet, can't roll in decoupled mode, can't strafe in any direction in coupled mode, et cetera.

Overall not too bad; interest restored, looking forward to playing a more fleshed out version of the game again.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #439 on: June 05, 2014, 12:53:51 am »
So how is it?

Edit: As I wrote, canary posted this:
auto-aim, text mysteriously appearing on-screen, missiles too good, lasers too bad, a couple random crashes, sometimes targetting reticle doesn't exist, can't rebind keys, AI super dumb e-z mode, can't play multiplayer, shields recharge too quickly, ship UI needs improvement, head clips through the top of the ship when boarding/unboarding, hilarious spaceman animations, helmet issues, godawful loadout selection UI (not that I have anything I can alter in it), not enough to do yet, can't roll in decoupled mode, can't strafe in any direction in coupled mode, et cetera.

Overall not too bad; interest restored, looking forward to playing a more fleshed out version of the game again.

Soooo, wait for it to stabilize a bit, I guess?
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #440 on: June 05, 2014, 12:57:02 am »
If I were more sensible I'd wait for more widespread multiplayer.

Though getting somewhat used to how to move, aim and shoot a ship is neat.

Offline Leshma

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #441 on: June 05, 2014, 02:32:29 am »
CTRL+F for "classic" controls with kb&m, instead of "simulated" joystick. My pet peeves with this build:
  • game sounds are underwhelming/plain bad
  • UI is too crowded/hard to read/distracting
  • 3rd person dogfighting actually being better experience for me
  • lack of speed and feel of flying fast
  • poor indicators when I'm hit or hitting an enemy in 1st person

Overall is good, even great for first gameplay version. Like the realistic approach to many things and seemingly high skill ceiling. Elite feels and seems better, but it has no realistic space flight model. Also, skill ceiling is super low in new Elite. Easy to pick up, easy to master. Star Citizen is the one that actually feels dangerous.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #442 on: June 05, 2014, 05:43:00 pm »
The "hover with mouse and press lmb to kill" made me die a little.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #443 on: June 05, 2014, 07:55:49 pm »
auto-aim, text mysteriously appearing on-screen, missiles too good, lasers too bad, a couple random crashes, sometimes targetting reticle doesn't exist, can't rebind keys, AI super dumb e-z mode, can't play multiplayer, shields recharge too quickly, ship UI needs improvement, head clips through the top of the ship when boarding/unboarding, hilarious spaceman animations, helmet issues, godawful loadout selection UI (not that I have anything I can alter in it), not enough to do yet, can't roll in decoupled mode, can't strafe in any direction in coupled mode, et cetera.

Overall not too bad; interest restored, looking forward to playing a more fleshed out version of the game again.

I don't recall feeling any auto-aim, but you do not need to "lead" the target at this time. This is pre-alpha and what they've given me is surprisingly really good. I've yet to crash or experience any bugs other than launch issues (which were resolved by spamming launch button).

Missiles are easy to evade either through turning off your systems, decoupling away from it in a strafe maneuver or dropping a dummy cask. My 300i is beautiful and I find I get more kills by pewpewing with my lasers.

The AI is dumb until you reach unique targets which are ramped up considerably. I tested all kinds of rolls and although the feel is a bit clunky they worked, once again this is pre-alpha and will be addressed when the game actually comes out. :)

My only real problems are I don't have multiplayer yet and I can't customize my key setup until the next patch.

One of my coolest moments thus far was getting into a fight with 5 ai, 4 randoms and 1 boss. All my ai friends died in the last wave and I had to fend off this wave by myself. I took out two randoms before the boss locked a missile on me and blew up my right wing. I looked in third person to see the damages and there was electrical shortages, pieces of my ship missing and I couldn't turn anymore so I slowly drifted forward until running into an asteroid. I'm also sure my eject function was broken too because my ship went offline and I couldn't activate it.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 08:00:28 pm by Gmnotutoo »
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #444 on: June 06, 2014, 09:06:32 pm »
I had a similar thing happen but with my aurora. It doesn't have an eject function, so I slammed into that asteroid at full speed like a man!

Honestly I really dislike the auto aim. The part I enjoy the most is trying to read your enemy and guess where he's going next. Completely removed :( (In a competitive capacity).

The flight is clunky as hell, (no 6 DoF in coupled, the thrusters fight back any movement other than turns or forwards) waiting for the key-rebind ability, so I can have more arma esque key binds :p. (I fly with my keyboard, guns with my mouse :P)
Currently I find ctrl + f really helps with the feel (thanks kafein!), but you lose a lot of gun ability :/.

Might invest in a decent joystick setup if they make it more appealing (heard it sucks atm).

Still glad I bought it; A++* graphics and lots of promise.
I just wish I could unlock/test a ship other than the one I paid for.
The whole "it's not p2w" doesn't really hold atm. As much as I wish I could, I can't afford (literally) to burn money on a better ship.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #445 on: June 06, 2014, 09:14:58 pm »
I pity people who play this with a mouse and keyboard. M&K control scheme is complete rubbish. Joystick/gamepad on other hand, while feeling laggy (similar to ARMA2) it has a lot of potential. Problem is that m&k is simply more effective combination, despite crappy feel. They should really separate flying from aiming. Mouse should aim guns and keyboard should fly the ship. That way mouse users will end up being more precise but will have crappy maneuverability as it should be in the first place.

They should work with Thrustmaster, release affordable SC branded joystick and bundle it with the game. Then base controls on that, not on M&K. Playing space sim with mouse and keyboard is like playing driving sim with keyboard or even worse, like playing FPS and RTS with gamepad/joystick. Makes no sense.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #446 on: June 06, 2014, 09:49:22 pm »
Completely agree.

Just tried my gamepad again, actually looked at the controls this time  :rolleyes:. It feels so much better, I'm actually enjoying this.
If I play without lock on, it's pretty perfect tbh :)

EDIT: Even with lock-on, this feels like a totally different game, so much more enjoyable. Made it to wave 12, which is a new best for me :D.
EDIT2: I recommend you give this a go with something other than a keyboard or mouse. Really can't stress enough how disappointed I was before and how enjoyable it is now!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 12:32:28 am by Senni__Ti »

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #447 on: June 06, 2014, 11:07:26 pm »
I don't recall feeling any auto-aim, but you do not need to "lead" the target at this time.

Auto "aim adjust" is more accurate. Aim directly at your target and you don't have to worry about compensating for its trajectory.

Honestly I really dislike the auto aim. The part I enjoy the most is trying to read your enemy and guess where he's going next. Completely removed :( (In a competitive capacity).

Yeah. When using the standard "absolute" mouse control mode (gimballed weapon aiming) I felt I could mostly disregard the feature if I wanted to and lead targets like I would normally, though when targets started moving slowly and stopped in one spot in relation to where your aim was you can't help but use it even if you're trying not. But what I don't like about that mode is how much it restricts your maneuvering - turn ship or aim and shoot, very challenging to align yourself to the target and do both at once. For some reason it was more fluid and intuitive for the ship's turning to be the only way my weapons could aim (and I killed things quicker that way), but of course in that case I was entirely relying on the auto-lead. All the "mouse is OP my $500 flight stick needs buffed" grass is greener hubbub on the forums is a bit premature.

I pity people who play this with a mouse and keyboard. M&K control scheme is complete rubbish. Joystick/gamepad on other hand, while feeling laggy (similar to ARMA2) it has a lot of potential. Problem is that m&k is simply more effective combination, despite crappy feel. They should really separate flying from aiming. Mouse should aim guns and keyboard should fly the ship. That way mouse users will end up being more precise but will have crappy maneuverability as it should be in the first place.

It feels okay to me. Mouse in absolute mode already has crappy maneuverability in comparison, partly because of the deadzone in the middle of the screen you have to pass through every time you want to change your bearing. It's a virtual joystick with all the drawbacks that implies and then some. The upside of course being finer control of where your guns are shooting, but the advantage is only slight when the game has automatic target-leading-adjustment for every control style. I had an easier time killing things quickly in relative mode because I had more responsive control over where my ship was going, which lead to easier tracking of fast-moving targets at close range.

It would be neat to try out keyboard-only movement and mouse-only aiming, but I don't think that should be the only option for keyboard/mouse.

Playing space sim with mouse and keyboard is like playing driving sim with keyboard or even worse, like playing FPS and RTS with gamepad/joystick. Makes no sense.

Partly agree, but the mouse doesn't feel that poor to me (compared to, say, controller with a FPS which is awful always). The ease of use of not having to fiddle with alternate controls (i.e. laziness), learning them or getting them set up and plugged in, is also good. So far it doesn't ruin my immersion as much as it did back on TIE Fighter, though that was when most games had no proper mouse support and you had to use keyboard for everything. (I still have the old joystick I bought for that game lying around, but by god I have no idea what that type of plug is called)

They're not going to change the fact that you can use whatever control input you want and that's perfectly fine with me. At this point, I'm not convinced any of them are "balanced' more or less poorly than others. I like mouse and keyboard, but I would try out a joystick.

Hopefully being able to change control schemes and new control/UI options (such as disabling the auto-aim-trajectory-lead-correction-thing) happen soon.

I woke up today and had the urge to play the game some more, that's a good sign. I got through the first two waves of Vanduul swarm in less than 11 minutes compared to the 30~some it took me the first time I was playing. A combination of practice and liking the feel of the relative mode controls better, I reckon. I also managed to ram multiple ships to death after my lasers broke from collision with an asteroid. Fuck yeah. (the second ramming destroyed my ship in the process: BANZAI!)

I am looking forward to being able to play against real people.


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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #448 on: June 07, 2014, 03:08:04 am »
So in summation, it's awful don't buy it?
Fammi un pompino!

I think I have ball cancer in my right nut :(
Good news everybody! It's not nut cancer :)
Bad news everybody, I got dumped :(

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #449 on: June 07, 2014, 05:32:29 am »
Auto "aim adjust" is more accurate. Aim directly at your target and you don't have to worry about compensating for its trajectory.

What you call aim adjust I call a targeting computer. With all this space technology why would we try to shoot without one?

You do have to compensate for your target. That circle green reticule just means you're aiming in the right direction and when you get to the diamond it means your ship is line to fire. You can't just hover over an enemy and hold fire to win. I do much better taking burst shots, first firing my weaker lasers to weaken their shields and then spamming a few heavy cannons to break through and do some damage. Works very well for me.

All in all, I give this little pre-alpha module an A grade. This is the kind of game that I've wanted to play for a very long time and the future of it looks amazing. I simply cannot wait to get into multiplayer and then the campaign co-op mode.


Edit: I'm so freaking happy I picked the 300i. It is beautiful looking and all around a great ship.
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