You're all just jelly because you're not honourable physically card carrying citizens.
Either way though, I'll hold off judgement until the game hits a decent working version, e.g. beta.
Just because there's some sort of currency available for real money doesn't mean the game will be pay2win.
That those who donated get the game, a ship and title, that's a minuscule speck in terms of the grand design and plan for the game, and of little importance to those wanting to play it but didn't have the means to donate. No one even knows fully how insurance will work 100% in terms of losing your ship. I have faith in Chris Roberts when he says that everything will have a consequence and that when your ship gets blown up its gone. The ships people get aren't even as big or great as those available via the game it self.
I fully endorse developers/designers who take care of those that help drive forward the Indie community, rewards are GOOD. Some people might not have the means to take part of the opportunities but that doesn't mean they're not fair and good opportunities. We can't all be on the same playing field, it is simply impossible, because we're all different in many other aspects than how "great a gamer" we are, being it financially, our work hours, language barriers, education, available free time and so on.