I suppose I could feel a difference.
But I have had 7 riding for quite some time now.
The choice of riding should be based on the choice of horse imo.
I don't see a reason going 24 agility just to get 8 riding, if not also taking 8 athletics or 8 WM.
This is a build I have considered for my level 35:
5 IF
5 PS
4 SH
8 AT
8 RI
8 WM
I have had 8 riding once, and directly compared it to leed with 6 riding. my courser speed increase was not worth a mention, the man buff was nice but not necessary iirc.
had 6 agi most of the time, but lately have 7 with 7 riding and athl, and i do love it. for my next build, i am not sure if i want to loose that one point or not...
its not about the arab for me, i know its more effective but i like my courser. so i guess my question is, if 7 riding makes a dif over 6 when using a courser these days?...