Author Topic: Headshots  (Read 1175 times)

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« on: October 07, 2012, 12:47:32 am »
From what I know, a slash to the face ( that is, a melee attack headshot) does +20% damage. A ranged headshot is +75%.
I can't see how an iron-tipped piece of wood can do that much more damage than a shard blade of steel. Please either change that or enlighten me on this mechanic.
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Re: Headshots
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 12:53:18 am »
if it was 75% on melee as well we would have 100000 new posts complaining about the onehitkills of ultraloomed tincans. Who wants that? AND its much more difficult to headSHOT someone than just upperswinging the brains out of them.

so. i see why you're complaining about the lack of realism but in this case it makes the game more fun - and less frustrating. I would be pissed if i'd spent 3 generations on looming a nice helmet when im getting oneshot by every weapon there is.
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Re: Headshots
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 01:07:01 am »
Actually, I'd like to nerf the ranged damage. I think that headslashing someone is as hard as headshotting, because aiming for the head in combat prevents you from seing most of the attacks. the hitbox is also hard to reach, even with an overhead.
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Re: Headshots
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2012, 01:14:08 am »
Hitting the head in melee is difficult? Yes, it is!  :rolleyes:

If the guy you are hitting, has low to none head armor he's dying in 1-2 hits. That's good enough. It is possible to survive a hit to head, most times not, but it is.
Surviving a bolt or arrow to the head, is quite impossible.

Speaking about helmets and higher head armor, it is fair enough that there is a bonus damage for melee hits. In this case, too much of realism isn't good.
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Re: Headshots
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2012, 01:40:02 am »
I think that headslashing someone is as hard as headshotting, because aiming for the head in combat prevents you from seing most of the attacks.

Im not saying your WRONG but in my experience thats NOT so. And please dont take offence when I ask the following, and when I give 3 tips:
Question: How long have you been playing?
1 tip: To direct your block OR attack, it only takes a tiny movement in that direction on your mouse, and instantly after directing you can redirect your view/aim.
2 tip: I honestly can't remember what default is, but you can set the direction you are attacking/blocking to be visible onscreen with small arrows, try this if you havent. EDIT: I have never used this but I see it in ppls youtube stuff etc, maybe it helps them I dunno.
3 tip: Despite where you AIM an attack, you should keep in mind (and eye) the animation; truly an amazing part of m&b, the weapon model shows greatly what angle/point your weapon is moving from and to: you wont always hit exactly what you aim at, and the left swing of a left hander as an example, will hit your opponents head very easily.

All this I type because offtopic, just because I think hitting an enemies head is not that hard in melee, but even though I spent about a dozen generations (Over a year for me, cause Im slow grinder) as an archer on my main I still find it hard to headshot ppl with an arrow  :arrow:... Guess like most things, its pretty subjective.

I don't know enough

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Re: Headshots
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2012, 02:08:58 am »
Im not saying your WRONG but in my experience thats NOT so. And please dont take offence when I ask the following, and when I give 3 tips:
Question: How long have you been playing?
1 tip: To direct your block OR attack, it only takes a tiny movement in that direction on your mouse, and instantly after directing you can redirect your view/aim.
2 tip: I honestly can't remember what default is, but you can set the direction you are attacking/blocking to be visible onscreen with small arrows, try this if you havent. EDIT: I have never used this but I see it in ppls youtube stuff etc, maybe it helps them I dunno.
3 tip: Despite where you AIM an attack, you should keep in mind (and eye) the animation; truly an amazing part of m&b, the weapon model shows greatly what angle/point your weapon is moving from and to: you wont always hit exactly what you aim at, and the left swing of a left hander as an example, will hit your opponents head very easily.

All this I type because offtopic, just because I think hitting an enemies head is not that hard in melee, but even though I spent about a dozen generations (Over a year for me, cause Im slow grinder) as an archer on my main I still find it hard to headshot ppl with an arrow  :arrow:... Guess like most things, its pretty subjective.

I have been playing for a year and a half. I have quite a lot of experience in melee combat, therefore no need to explain the combat mechanics.
Maybe a headshot is very hard. I doubt it, because I used to play archer on native and as long as the oponent was going in a straight direction it was pretty easy ( at least as easy as in melee).However, I must admit that I never played archer for a single gen on crpg. I say this out of the experience of getting shot at.
Thing is, I believe that most archers manage to take a body shot as often as melee characters do, and manage to pull off a headshot as often. Maybe a bit less often. But 75% is still nonetheless too much in my opinion.
As I am a duelist, I know that aiming constantly for the head gives you a view angle that is pretty uncomfortable, especially when both of the fighters are really close.This is why you rarely get headslashes other than when the oponent is stunned through a kick or through a positional disadvantage (ie: hills).

Anyway, thanks for your sensible answer. if you do not agree, we'll have to agree on our disagreement :D

@Miwiw99 : I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or serious :D
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 02:14:23 am by Akynos »
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Re: Headshots
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2012, 03:05:39 am »
I think that headslashing someone is as hard as headshotting,

Lulz. you're right, it's really hard, especially with 1h left swing  :rolleyes:

Surviving a bolt or arrow to the head, is quite impossible.

A few points in IF, good (50+) head armor, a struck of luck and you can survive headshots pretty often. Well, maybe not made by arbalesters  :wink:
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Re: Headshots
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2012, 03:12:27 am »
Posting in biased thread about STR noobs unable to one hit with 100% certainty by headshots.
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Re: Headshots
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2012, 04:42:40 am »
A few points in IF, good (50+) head armor, a struck of luck and you can survive headshots pretty often. Well, maybe not made by arbalesters  :wink:

Dunno, messing about on my STF horse archer on EU3, I survived a MW warbow arrow to the face, was wearing bascinet 44 head armour, 0 IF, 18 STR, so about 53 hitpoints? had 1/5 oh hp left. But it wasnt Bodkins. Combination of loomed weapons and most ppl using Pierce dmg that make ranged headshots such bad news.
I don't know enough

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Re: Headshots
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2012, 10:42:12 am »
Lulz. you're right, it's really hard, especially with 1h left swing  :rolleyes:

A few points in IF, good (50+) head armor, a struck of luck and you can survive headshots pretty often. Well, maybe not made by arbalesters  :wink:

1h left swing is about the only anim that allows you to headshot.In this case, its understandable. You can survive headshots of course, but it is rare and leaves you with no HP left.I wouldnt say 'pretty often'.
Posting in biased thread about STR noobs unable to one hit with 100% certainty by headshots.
I actually suggest that ranged damage be reduced, not that melee headslashes do more damage.20 or 30% is enough, otherwise it ruins the gameplay.

I base my opinion not so much on difficulty though, but on the amount of head hits compared to body hits. I think that both classes headhit as often. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe melee hits a bit more often. Still, 75% is too much imo. Maybe 40% ?

Thanks for your opinions though.

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Re: Headshots
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2012, 11:50:49 am »
I survived a MW warbow arrow to the face, was wearing bascinet 44 head armour, 0 IF, 18 STR, so about 53 hitpoints? had 1/5 oh hp left.

Sure, it happens from time to time even with weaker build and armor. But, obviously, if you have more str, IF and head armor it happens more often.

1h left swing is about the only anim that allows you to headshot.

Not the only only one, every attack allows to hit in a head of your opponent and with overheads it's rather easy. I'd even say it's hard to hit anything else with overheads and 1h left swing  :wink:

You can survive headshots of course, but it is rare and leaves you with no HP left.I wouldnt say 'pretty often'.

I remember only one case when I died from 1 arrow when my health was intact. I have 70 hp and 53 head armor.
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Re: Headshots
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2012, 12:02:07 pm »
I still think it should be nerfed :P
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