Author Topic: The Dogs [_the_Dog] Recruiting everyone (and by everyone I mean EVERYONE)  (Read 557 times)

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Offline 4N00315

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This is a new clan. The only Problem...

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Some might know me from Merc (the mod not the clan) or NI. I was called Pvt_Dancer there. Now I am here to bring you a clan. A clan free from armor, class or skill requirements. We accept everyone! And unless you are rasicst or mean or something like that you can stay as long as you want, even if you are inactive all the time.

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 I WANT YOU! visitors can't see pics , please register or login
You are new to this mod and a total noob?
You are mentaly retarded?
You are actually a real dog?
You are a 11 year old kiddy?

I WANT YOU! (ok that sounds wrong in so many ways...)

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What are our goals?
Well each member can basicly do what ever he wants, but its would be nice if you could support each other. We are allways open for suggestions and ideas.

Do you have ranks?
Yes we have 2 ranks!!! Dogs and Bitches.
Dogs: Male characters
Bitches: Female characters

Do you have to use clan tags?

You can decide that for yourself. You can use no tag or you can use _the_Dog.

Do you play strategus?
You can if you want to.

to be continued...

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« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 09:44:26 pm by 4N00315 »

Offline Chagan_Arslan

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