I have about 6 or 7 characters (didnt choose a main yet) all in low to mid 20s, and an archer at 26. Ive been playing for around 8 months and have never retired a character because i jump all over the place... Thrower one week, Archer the next, polearm, shielder, crossbow, 2h ect. My indecisiveness is bugging me so im here to ask for help with a build.
So can you guys give me some builds where i can go from going pewpew off roofs one day to melee the next? I play a lot of DTV and some battle.
Tips for gear with a build would be great also.
If you want to be a ranged/melee hybrid you should consider this strong slasher build :
IF: 3
PS: 6
ATH: 7
WM : 7
2h or Pol : 90-110 (Or 1h if you want a shield but go 15/21 => if:5 ps:5 shield:5 ath:7 wm:7)
Xbow : 140-145
Armor : Medium/Light tier armor (Body: between 11 and 13 kg, head : between 1.8 and 2.1 kg, hand : between 0.5 and 0.9 kg, leg : between 1.4 and 2.1)
Weapons :
-Crossbow+bolts and 2 slot weapon (I would suggest a slashing 2h around 6k golds like Morningstar)
Xbows are in general a lot better than bows for hybrid build, mainly because you only need wpf to use them and melee wpf is not really important. There is almost no difference between 140 and 110 wpf, just a little more damage.
If you want to use a bow because you don't like the "reload" thing you could try :
IF: 5
PS: 5
PD: 5 (Go to 6 Pd only if you want to use a Rus/Long bow, otherwise it's not worth it at all)
ATH: 7
WM: 7
1h or 2h : 75-90 (or 50 if you go for 6 PD)
Archery: 145-155
Armor : Light armor (body : 5.5-9.1 Kg, head: NO HELMETS FOR ARCHERS, hand: 0.5-0.9, Leg: 0.3-0.8)
Weapons :
Ranged : Horn bow + x2 Tatar arrows (or bodkin but if you want to win golds keep the cut damage) OR Rus/Long bow + x1 Arrows
Melee : 1 slot weapon (i suggest 2h as there is really good cheap two handed with 1 slot like Mace, Military Sickle, or Langes messer)
This build would be really powerful once loomed, and still strong without Masterwork weapons.
The choice between 5 or 6 PD depend on if you want to focus on killing archers, or infantry. If you want to kill other archers you need 6 PD and a rus or long bow for the missile speed otherwise they will kill you.
There is a lot of hybrid builds you could go for, just try to find the playstyle you enjoy the must and stick with it till lvl 31 and then change.
Hope it helped.