I do rather fine as things are now, as a spear/shielder. In 1 v 1 fights I can beat your average player, I can rape horses (ironic, since I'm am hoplite/lancer build), and I'm extremely effective when working with teammates. The spear/shield build is a TEAMWORK build, plain and simple. Either travel with the team/clusterfuck in general, or pick a specific battle buddy to follow around.
I must reiterate that it is more than possible to defend yourself as a spear and shielder when you find yourself without allies. Work on timing, and get high athletics. Worse comes to worst you put your shield on your back... spears are extremely fast weapons when used w/o the shield.
Also, the Greeks weren't the only people with spear/shielder heroes. The Franks had heroes who fought with spear and shield, too.
A shield bash would be epic, but 1h/shielders would have to do it too, and that would make 'em even more popular and, arguably, over powered. Two stab directions would be too difficult to block, since they're both stabs and very similar.