Author Topic: (Strategus Suggestion) Rivalry and Envy  (Read 682 times)

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(Strategus Suggestion) Rivalry and Envy
« on: September 25, 2012, 06:53:20 am »
 First off, I'd like to say that judging by the changes made to this strategus it looks very promising. I personally didn't like the Rumpelstiltskin- crafting fiefs of strat 3, so I feel like this change was for the best.

What these suggestions aim to help/tweak/fix
To "check and balance" alliances.
To promote more battles.

Anyways, i actually have 2 suggestions.
1. Rivalry- Faction leaders (rank10) have the option to choose an existing faction in strat as their rival. Rivalry gives the faction a bonus SEPERATE FROM WHAT THEY GET FROM THE BATTLE( bonus being gold, trading goods, etc) whenever a member of that faction wins a battle against the rival faction. Rivalry should be publicly shown whether it be on their clan page on the crpg character page or a separate tab in strat. Rivals can only be changed once a month.

2. Envy- Every time someone sells goods to a fief, that fief and the fief where the goods came from gets x (changes with the amount of goods sold) amount of "envy" points. These points are only shared with the factions holding both fiefs (or owner if a fief is independent) IE only a rank10 member can see envy points of all faction fiefs and the owner can see the envy points associating with his fief. Envy points increase the amount of rewards for capturing a fief. The attacker may get gold and a portion of the S&D of the fief will turn into trading goods for the attacker. To get the envy bonus, it could be a type of attack similar to raiding, or could be an option to choose after taking the fief. Furthermore, if a fief is taken through envy, the fief is destroyed for a certain amount of time (2 weeks for villages, 3 weeks for castles, and a month for towns.) During that time, the fief cannot provide ANYTHING.

Suggestions and critique is welcomed.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 07:02:18 am by Havoco »
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Re: (Strategus Suggestion) Rivalry and Envy
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2012, 07:18:55 am »
Only one rival?

I actually disagree with the benefits you mention since rivalry doesn´t create any gold or goods. The thing that is effected by rivalry is the moral of troops and this is difficult to implement.
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Re: (Strategus Suggestion) Rivalry and Envy
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 07:32:37 am »
First off, I'd like to say that judging by the changes made to this strategus it looks very promising. I personally didn't like the Rumpelstiltskin- crafting fiefs of strat 3, so I feel like this change was for the best.

What these suggestions aim to help/tweak/fix
To "check and balance" alliances.
To promote more battles.

Anyways, i actually have 2 suggestions.
1. Rivalry- Faction leaders (rank10) have the option to choose an existing faction in strat as their rival. Rivalry gives the faction a bonus SEPERATE FROM WHAT THEY GET FROM THE BATTLE( bonus being gold, trading goods, etc) whenever a member of that faction wins a battle against the rival faction. Rivalry should be publicly shown whether it be on their clan page on the crpg character page or a separate tab in strat. Rivals can only be changed once a month.

2. Envy- Every time someone sells goods to a fief, that fief and the fief where the goods came from gets x (changes with the amount of goods sold) amount of "envy" points. These points are only shared with the factions holding both fiefs (or owner if a fief is independent) IE only a rank10 member can see envy points of all faction fiefs and the owner can see the envy points associating with his fief. Envy points increase the amount of rewards for capturing a fief. The attacker may get gold and a portion of the S&D of the fief will turn into trading goods for the attacker. To get the envy bonus, it could be a type of attack similar to raiding, or could be an option to choose after taking the fief. Furthermore, if a fief is taken through envy, the fief is destroyed for a certain amount of time (2 weeks for villages, 3 weeks for castles, and a month for towns.) During that time, the fief cannot provide ANYTHING.

Suggestions and critique is welcomed.

If there's only gonna be 1 rival it's gonna be tough to just pick 1 when facing Hospitallers Mega Alliance.
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Offline Havoco

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Re: (Strategus Suggestion) Rivalry and Envy
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2012, 07:41:16 am »
Only one rival?

I actually disagree with the benefits you mention since rivalry doesn´t create any gold or goods. The thing that is effected by rivalry is the moral of troops and this is difficult to implement.

The gold and goods was only an example. I think they would be best, but it could also be changed into regaining a portion of lost troops or gaining bonus gear. I was thinking only 1 because it may be abused if it was any more than that. Although with the amount of battles this strat has brought so far, it could be fine to increase.

If there's only gonna be 1 rival it's gonna be tough to just pick 1 when facing Hospitallers Mega Alliance.

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