Most of the posts I read are joyful interactions of the community, whether joking, discussing "serious" matters, socializing or trying to rip each other's throats out and make grudges, and truthfully I would not have it any other way. All the while we sit around, making new friends and enemies, bantering with how the devs keep killing the mod every year, selling our virtual bodies for upvotes and looms, and making ties that keep us playing this mod and sucking new people in and keeping them. I think the community deserves a thanks for just how petty, bored, imaginative, egotistical, trollish, "intelligent," self-important and nerdy we all really are with our "tests" and "theories" and "grudges" and "e-peen" (Except that one clan, they suck, booo). SO THANKS. I've been happily playing this mod for longer then I should play anything, so thanks. Good times, good times.
Without us, this mod would be literally dead.