I have grown tried of shitty maps. I like that we have new maps but after playing on them it makes me rage. I dont rage much; i curse now and then but always laugh after. I play on this BRD Map and i rage. I didnt even laugh after; i just raged and hated it. i have never played on a worse map then that. Who ever made the map should have their face punched every dam day in the morning..... for life and i hope they live to be 100. Idk how anyone can say they tested or believe it looked ok. i wonder if we are that in need of maps that we let that art project form hell in? It is like a RSP kid grabbed a hand full of glitter and glue and just fap off till his little arms were tried. Thus the BRD map was born. I even hate calling it BRD map cuz BRD is a real clan with real players and that map is just sooo shitty that when i say brd map i dont want to believe it came form a real source... No way someone in BRD was like "hey this is a cool map" Idk who made this map and i hope to god it wasnt the same person who made the anit-cav map before in the 80 man sever but it too is anit-cav.
I would like that when a map is added we are given posts on it, and people have to test it...
I say the map maker post that he has made a new map, and shows his work, and who has tested it. Then if there was a theme in it or not. This will help map makers stay on track with their work, and we would have better maps.
Check to see if it is crap, dose it look like a kid fap off till his arms are tried? if so dose it even work or is it just cluter?
Dose it take a few min to walk form point A to B? if so its crap, shouldnt take 2 min to walk form one spot to the other, we are here to play not to walk!
Can every class be played? Not fair that u can be ranged but I can use my pony D: (FYI am not cav)
This started as rage, but i hope it helps out some how