Author Topic: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.  (Read 20516 times)

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #195 on: April 23, 2011, 05:59:56 pm »
I usually do about 130-150 in crossbow with only a one hander as a sidearm now. So yes, we do exist. Also,if it were a "skill -less weapon" almost everyone would be using it. Most people use the heavy since its rate of fire is better, it doesn't have much less damage than the sniper,it's reload time is considerably shorter, AND it's reticule is actually smaller. I'll agree that crossbows require too little WPF to use effectively but you wont see very many guys just tossing 60 wpf into crossbow and using the sniper, Unless they are one of those huscarl/steel pick/side katana douche bags (you know who you are). Even then, they don't hold a candle to throwing lances.
Wait why does the sniper have a smaller reticule? Shouldn't it be the most accurate crossbow?
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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #196 on: April 23, 2011, 06:27:05 pm »
Wait why does the sniper have a smaller reticule? Shouldn't it be the most accurate crossbow?

I'm not sure why. My guess would be because the Sniper, while having a larger reticule,technically is still more "accurate", as the bolt shoots a good deal straighter than the other crossbows, meaning the shots don't need to be arked as much. It (the bolt) also flies alot faster, it just has a little more wiggle room so to speak, unlike the native siege bows, which seemingly have laser guided accuracy in addition to flying fast and hitting hard.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 06:06:38 pm by Darkkarma »
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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #197 on: April 23, 2011, 07:34:53 pm »
Its because the max accuracy is an ideal with all your wpf comitted to xbow, but if you don't the weaker the bow the less wpf you need to near that ideal accuracy for that particualr xbow.  So 100 wpf might get the reticules the tighest they will get for a light xbow, while a heavy might need 140 and a sniper might need 160.  Its the same thing with bows, which is retarded since you already have a power draw requirement, so longbows are actually the most inaccurate bows no matter your build, even though the accuracy rate given for the heavier xbows/bows is higher.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 07:35:55 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #198 on: April 23, 2011, 07:38:47 pm »
Memento_Mori, try to shot someone across the map. You will see it isn't that easy, because bolts fly in completly different way.

And rain. rain destroys all the fun of "sniping" on those short distances. I, personally, can't hit SHIT with sniper crossbow, if it's raining at given moment. Bolts fly so fuckin slow, that it has nothing to do with shoting without rain...

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #199 on: April 24, 2011, 05:55:32 am »
Its because the max accuracy is an ideal with all your wpf comitted to xbow, but if you don't the weaker the bow the less wpf you need to near that ideal accuracy for that particualr xbow.  So 100 wpf might get the reticules the tighest they will get for a light xbow, while a heavy might need 140 and a sniper might need 160.  Its the same thing with bows, which is retarded since you already have a power draw requirement, so longbows are actually the most inaccurate bows no matter your build, even though the accuracy rate given for the heavier xbows/bows is higher.

Whaaaaaat? What sense does that make? I was always under the assumption that power draw dramatically affected reticule size?
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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #200 on: April 24, 2011, 03:51:05 pm »
Whaaaaaat? What sense does that make? I was always under the assumption that power draw dramatically affected reticule size?

I believe power draw only affects the time you can hold a shot before the reticule goes wide. Somebody would have to confirm this though.

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #201 on: April 24, 2011, 06:02:09 pm »
I believe power draw only affects the time you can hold a shot before the reticule goes wide. Somebody would have to confirm this though.

Yes, and of course the damage increase and that the arrow travels farther before starting to slow down.
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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #202 on: April 24, 2011, 09:14:31 pm »
And pd increases accuracy.

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #203 on: April 24, 2011, 09:47:46 pm »
Pd doesn't increase accuracy no more.

Well i don't have any problem with the reticule of my sword...
If you guys stop to play cs may be you will enjoy MB and have fun, stop to speak of reticule and whining...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 09:49:38 pm by Blondin »

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #204 on: April 24, 2011, 10:03:22 pm »
Lets say a given bow has an accuracy rating of 91, that doesn't mean at 1 wpf its 91% accurate, it means that as you get closer to the ideal wpf for that bow you near that accuracy rating (the smallest the reticules will ever get).  The weaker the bow/xbow the less wpf is needed to reach that (but also the accuracy rating is lower).  So given a fixed level cap and a soft cap on wpf because of the rapidly escalating price for each wpf point, the highest level bows (not xbows as much since for some odd reason you can use a siege xbow with 15 strength, but need 18 strength for longbow/warbow, which means you can go more agility and reach the higher possible wpf from 15/24 or 15/27 if need be) are the most inaccurate.  Even given the exact same build of say 18/21 with all wpf points into agility and weaponmaster, the khergit and strong bow shoot more accurately at long distances than the longbow which is supposedly designed for long ranges, because they reach their maximum accuracy at lower wpf (though i don't think most people ever get to ideal accuracy, the lower the requirement the clsoer you geta dn the more accurate it becomes).  Yes the shoot speed is slightly lower, which you must compensate for, but the arrow will shoot straighter (but more arc from less shoot speed) and is less likely to go errantly wide with long shots which is very common with longbows.

So essentially the bows/xbows most designed for long ranges with higher shoot speed are also the most inaccurate at those ranges (unless of course you use the glitch of shooting just before the reticules reach their smallest size and releasing (so no shots tracking opponents) and it will shoot dead on straight everytime, which is much easier with siege/heavy xbow or if you have low wpf, the longbow.  So the system favors glitching to get accuracy and those who use it legitimately are punished with randomized shots.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 10:05:25 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #205 on: April 24, 2011, 10:31:43 pm »
Kesh, you are 100% saying truth. But!

Requirement of the weapon is influencing ideal wpf amount for ideal accuracy. Higher req more wpf needed, that's why in Native with higher tier bows requiring 5pd they were more accurate (these are only my thoughts after looking at module system and then native stats etc.)

Since in cRPG you have 6pd req, and NOT 99accuracy for all bows... well...

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #206 on: April 25, 2011, 12:55:28 am »
Pd doesn't increase accuracy no more.

It does, but it comes at the cost of WPF, so in effect PD's bonus gets cancelled out.
So with PT >10 stones become simple too effective

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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #207 on: April 25, 2011, 11:28:32 am »
Pd doesn't increase accuracy no more.
It always does, but prepatch it came at the cost of WPF, so in effect PD's bonus got cancelled out. Now it gives you accuracy and other bonuses at cost of 3 str and 1 skill point ;)
Wpf stay the same no matter how much PD.


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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #208 on: April 25, 2011, 09:36:41 pm »
So essentially the bows/xbows most designed for long ranges with higher shoot speed are also the most inaccurate at those ranges (unless of course you use the glitch of shooting just before the reticules reach their smallest size and releasing (so no shots tracking opponents) and it will shoot dead on straight everytime, which is much easier with siege/heavy xbow or if you have low wpf, the longbow.  So the system favors glitching to get accuracy and those who use it legitimately are punished with randomized shots.
Oh thanks. You said it so now I can stop hiding it always.
Also why I don't use ranged weapons much, 100% accuracy glitch is stupid and since I know how to do it I just naturally do it on accident. Works with all ranged weapons so long as you hit the super tiny timing window... Sure it is hard to do, but why does it even happen. So easy to do with a bow/xbow, and there isn't any way to police it. You won't even know they are doing it. At least since it goes 100% accurate they have to have aim to shoot you, if they are bad they still miss.
I've yet to see anyone with 100% perfect timing with a non fluctuating ping and good aiming to ever properly exploit it anyways. Let's see if people start trying to now.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 09:39:29 pm by Marathon »
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Re: Cmpx, you know why I am asking for it. Come here and see my suggestion.
« Reply #209 on: April 25, 2011, 09:55:51 pm »
Lets say a given bow has an accuracy rating of 91, that doesn't mean at 1 wpf its 91% accurate, it means that as you get closer to the ideal wpf for that bow you near that accuracy rating (the smallest the reticules will ever get).  The weaker the bow/xbow the less wpf is needed to reach that (but also the accuracy rating is lower).  So given a fixed level cap and a soft cap on wpf because of the rapidly escalating price for each wpf point, the highest level bows (not xbows as much since for some odd reason you can use a siege xbow with 15 strength, but need 18 strength for longbow/warbow, which means you can go more agility and reach the higher possible wpf from 15/24 or 15/27 if need be) are the most inaccurate.  Even given the exact same build of say 18/21 with all wpf points into agility and weaponmaster, the khergit and strong bow shoot more accurately at long distances than the longbow which is supposedly designed for long ranges, because they reach their maximum accuracy at lower wpf (though i don't think most people ever get to ideal accuracy, the lower the requirement the clsoer you geta dn the more accurate it becomes).  Yes the shoot speed is slightly lower, which you must compensate for, but the arrow will shoot straighter (but more arc from less shoot speed) and is less likely to go errantly wide with long shots which is very common with longbows.

So essentially the bows/xbows most designed for long ranges with higher shoot speed are also the most inaccurate at those ranges (unless of course you use the glitch of shooting just before the reticules reach their smallest size and releasing (so no shots tracking opponents) and it will shoot dead on straight everytime, which is much easier with siege/heavy xbow or if you have low wpf, the longbow.  So the system favors glitching to get accuracy and those who use it legitimately are punished with randomized shots.

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