Akkor az egyszerűség kedvéért, hogy ne kelljen kétszer írnom (egyébként mi van, ha a saját clán threadünkben csak magyarul írunk, kiutálnak, vagy mi? Nem szokás? ) :
SacraCorona_Amrion: 2H spammer, gen 2 currently 28
Usually almost every day after 22:00 on Eu1 for 1-2 hours. (now that EU4 is up I am on 4 if EU1 is full or passworded temporarly)
Battle: usually playing this, if I am dead (mostly) I am alt tabbing and reading on internet or listening to music until next round
Siege: I usually do not play it, no specific reasons. I only played siege before the january patch with a different alt, but somehow got hooked on battle afterwards (probably also bcs of the players I know from Eu1)
Duel: very rarely, I am very bad in blocking contrary to my practising so I do not enjoy being slaughtered all the time.
I also have a 1h+xbow alt, but I do not play with it very often, only if I got bored with 2H