thank you thank you , ill be signing autographs.
Sry, who are you?
Christo man, the problem is STILL not the noobs on the horses, its the OTHER team, the ones being destroyed: Same thing when BYZ would faceroll the server: 10 players working closely together to pick off lone men is always going to tip the balance, because THERE IS JUST NO WAY to stop 80% of randoms just holding W down at round start and mindlessly wondering off looking for the enemy. One by one they are ganked by clanned ganksquads. The only irritating think about the GK is that they are such nobodies its hard to spot which ones are the dangerous ones, when they get me its because I have just killed 2 or 3 horses of their worse players who have screamed for help from their better mates, who lance me as I kill off their dismounted bros.
ALSO: WHY O WHY do infantry goons STILL chase after a horseman who is baiting them out of formation? I dont get it: even with 3/39 build you CANNOT EVER CATCH A SUMPTER, stop running after horses, they arent dangerous if you just stand together, walk together, and each time they get close simply stab them, they are nerfed, and can only get you unaware or by bump-gank.
Kids will always try to play the easiest way, you cannot blame them, but its the zerglings who dont understand that you fight together or die alone that cause the problem, not the kids who take advantage of the mindless goombas.
CLASS BALANCE: Not really possible tbh: If I put 3 points in riding, am I cav? What if I dont spawn a horse? Gear selection takes place AFTER balance, so what if I have 3 shield skill and am a polearm-1hand hybrid, but spawnd without a shield and with a pike and sword? Am I shielder? 1hander? Pikeman? What if I am dedicated 2hander and I chose to grab a crossbow that round? Am I 2hander? Ranged? There are no classes that can be defined by a machine in cRPG.
EDIT: GET A SHIELD and some footwork: STR builds get raped by horsemen, I LOVE 2hander spam, but I dont do it anymore, I look at the battlefield, and I see that REAL LIFE history has lessons for us: Sure, you can be a GREAT swordsman, axeman, pikeman, but what keeps you alive in battle is a shield, a spear, and a nice sharp sidearm, but again, these are NOT tools that can make the mindless win: you MUST teamplay to keep alive, you MUST be always scanning for where the ranged is concentrating and keep watching for horses, sure its not easy, but a nice 21/18 hoplite build goes where they want, kills horses, archers, ganks beautifully with max range facestabs on busy enemies, can keep preasure on in the shieldwall, can backpedal from strengh builds and lead them out of formation for own teams ranged to take down, and can turn and run when the situation goes tits up.
The cav spam sucks, but you must evolve or die.