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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2012, 10:07:01 pm »

Ok, I think it's time that I state out the strengths and weaknesses of full strength before we can move on.

So lets take a 36/3 build with full plate


-You take a lot more hits
-You deal far more damage
-you can weapstun more, you can pick up mauls, etc.

Now that this is out of the way, lets see...


-Anyone in the game can catch you.
-Relating to above, you can be ganked easily.
-Related to note above, you cannot escape or defend yourself when ganked due to the slowness of your swings: you die outspammed.You just take a second longer to die.
-You cannot feint efficiently.
-You cannot spam.
-You cannot escape the reach of the enemy as he swings and then slash him afterwards.
-You have to sell your looms to sustain the upkeep.
-You have more difficulty dodging ranged attacks.
-You cannot catch an archer or an agi xbow.
-You have difficulty escaping a cavalry charge.
-related to above, you can be couched lance easily (which 1-shots you by the way)

And being a full str for four generations, I know what I am talking about.

Playing full str relies mostly on the mistakes of the enemy, such as a weakness in blocking skills, misplacement or badly timed attacks, which is why this build is really useful against a bunch of newbies.
However, this extreme build is a lot harder to master against veteran players who generally avoid such mistakes. That, combined with the
disadvantages stated above, is the reason why few people decide to roll full strength.

As I said, agi is slightly nerfed, I think that swing speed related to WPF should be increased.

That is an angry ninja who only supports his own class. Get out.

Let us compare that to a 3/36 build with rags:


you run kind of fast


-You do no damage to anyone and glance on everything
-die to everything .

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #61 on: September 13, 2012, 12:07:10 am »
And by "Kind of fast", you mean until you hit a slow-down patch, or try to go up a hill after an archer who proceeds to machine gun you.

Or it's fucking RAINING.

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #62 on: September 13, 2012, 12:25:37 am »
Like spamming isn't enough advantage to agi builds?
You can use katana ,and go and spam pikers,shielders,light armored ppl,archers and u need buff?

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #63 on: September 13, 2012, 12:30:35 am »
Is it pure stupidity or is there some difficulty somewhere in understanding that agility is made as an advantage to deal more hits, not to deal damage as strength does?
it's not with extreme contrasts that you will make your point.


You know,whatever we say, this will not be taken into consideration by the devs.So you can post your fantasies after all, ninja boys.
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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #64 on: September 13, 2012, 12:50:03 am »
Like spamming isn't enough advantage to agi builds?
You can use katana ,and go and spam pikers,shielders,light armored ppl,archers and u need buff?

Katana spamming doesn't exist. Any katana can be blocked by someone who's paying attention and is half-way proficient at blocking.

Pikers: Shouldn't be engaging at close range with a katana in the first place, they have 3 meters of range where as the katana is only 95cm.
Shielders: Against any shielder with a half decent shield and more than 4 shield skill, a katana will take *at least* 5-10 hits to break a shield, and 80% of the time a shielder is able to left swing faster than a ninja and hit the head. This swing could come after *every* katana blow. (Shielders are the most hated players among the ninja.)
Light armoured people: These are agility players, I've never seen a high strength player without at least medium armour. Also, how many do you see without a bow, or a shield? Not many I'll bet, I know I don't.
Archers: Archers are also high agility players, they will kite, they will backpedal up a hill while shooting your katana wielding ass.

Is it pure stupidity or is there some difficulty somewhere in understanding that agility is made as an advantage to deal more hits, not to deal damage as strength does?

Yes, agility does allow you to try to land more hits and it does allow you to control the direction of the battle more. However, the advantage that being able to move around quickly is not balanced out with the sheer destructive power that a single hit from a strength build will deal to an agility character. Most agility players have short weapons, so we have to get in close to do any damage, where as strength players will often have much longer ones (greatswords mostly, but also glaives, poleaxes, great long axes). These people can backpedal from an agi build to their hearts content since they have the range to be able to do so. This ability to backpedal basically negates the speed advantage that an agility player has, since you have to move twice the speed that they are backpedaling - this sounds easy, but in reality it is not, especially since they can simply turn left or right and you're immediately too far away again.

Lastly: Please stop assuming that just because we are ninjas on our main accounts, that we don't play other classes. We do. We play almost every class there is.

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #65 on: September 13, 2012, 01:08:02 am »
And by "Kind of fast", you mean until you hit a slow-down patch, or try to go up a hill after an archer who proceeds to machine gun you.

This sounds very similar to what happens 24/7 to strenght builds.

In combat, high movement acceleration (top speed and ath has very little to do with this, it's about agi and armor weight) and high weapon reach serve the same purpose, hitting when your enemy cannot block. Shielders are probably the easiest targets for w/s trolling dance action, with their inherent slowness and short weapons.

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #66 on: September 13, 2012, 01:09:28 am »
Yes, the same happens to strength builds too, the difference is, strength builds often have the HP and armour to survive it. Agility builds don't.

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #67 on: September 13, 2012, 01:14:44 am »
Truth hurts guys. Keep pressing - i don't give a shit abbout that.

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #68 on: September 13, 2012, 11:35:55 am »
But when?

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #69 on: September 13, 2012, 12:54:36 pm »
Let us compare that to a 3/36 build with rags:


you run kind of fast


-You do no damage to anyone and glance on everything
-die to everything .

No matter how fast you are but it's possible you are shot by range or it's very possible you are caught by a cavalry.
That's the problem of agi infantry . because the speed is what you only own weapon , but you are never  faster than arrows , bolts , or horse!! and you can not suffer too many attacks as str guys. so you die quickly.

So i wanna talk about the speed of agi infantry.
if 3/39 alt is the most fast guy in human like  the runner of the Olympic Games, at least he should have  10m/s the running speed.(i am sorry about there not tired mechanism in cprg)
And what lots guys dont know is as a full of plated warhorse carrying a plated armor knight CHARGING , it only has about 10m/s speed too!!(that's i read from history book)
So i suggest " the max running speed of infantry , 3/39 ,13 ath alt without any armor SHOULD run fast as the plated charger ",maybe buff infantry or nerf horse  ,  it will be quite fair and more realistic .
forgive my english.



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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #70 on: September 13, 2012, 01:18:29 pm »
Shielders are the most hated players among the ninja.
i remember a time when that wasn't true, 1 1/2-2 years back, when there where nearly no agi based shielders
and the only once on the flanks where ninjas and horses and well you know who  :mrgreen:
I was then regularly crushed by ninja katana spam till i myself went up with more agi more wpm and faster weapon
*sigh* my sidesword got overly nerferd

Still i see the point in an agi buff, may it be as skkk that the highest reachable speed would be that of a plated horse with ath 13
the wpm buff which is incoming is something anyone will adjust to and wont be a specific agi buff, as devs will never do it in a way that you really could just spam always the shit out of anyone. Katana and high wpm/ath is right now pretty dangerous, there are ninjas who have excelent reflexes combined with a fair ping and the experience to play wisely(Khorin).
The Katana was once nerferd and tehn got again buffed(not my sidesword :evil:). So this is no angle i would try to follow.
I would make the argument about glancing which comes with less PS, what in my opinion is kind of unfair to agi builds. Str builds do have more HP, ability to wear better gear and glance less because of high PS. Agi can move faster only under right circumstances, if you meet a good str player, you wont outspam him, because he turns and blocks, backpeddals and blocks and you are mostly within is weapon range or got bitchslashed while you need to move into is range again.
EDIT: remove PS relation to glancing leave the bad angle glancing
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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #71 on: September 13, 2012, 04:03:22 pm »
Yes, the same happens to strength builds too, the difference is, strength builds often have the HP and armour to survive it. Agility builds don't.


If you take a shot when climbing uphill, you will take the others. Projectiles produce the longest stun in the game and the number of shots you need to die when you are almost stationary is not very important.

Anyway that's the kind of situations where a shield really helps like it ought to help all the time against ranged. Since you move slowly anyway, you can keep the shield up.

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #72 on: September 13, 2012, 04:45:31 pm »
Like spamming isn't enough advantage to agi builds?
You can use katana ,and go and spam pikers,shielders,light armored ppl,archers and u need buff?

You mean the same exact thing you can do as a strength build? WM doesn't increase your swing speed by enough that you are so much faster then strength builds.

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #73 on: September 13, 2012, 08:42:23 pm »
And too fucking right we hate shielders. Fuck you Kingrimm.

(I mean this in the most friendly way possible)

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Re: Buff agility builds
« Reply #74 on: September 14, 2012, 12:02:35 am »
10 strength can't use a heavy great sword! SHENANIGANS!
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