I haven't seen "The Dictator" yet. So if ppl are talking about it in the server would it be a legit reason to cry for a ban?
He wasn't just talking about GoT with some other fans. He was just listing major events/twists that happen next season often in all caps, so people would be forced to read it and ruin some of the show for them. This isn't the first time. I've been on to mute people doing this before, but after so many times a mute might not do the trick for a person.
Everything should be judged fairly and with common sense. A friendly conversation about something (like this ever happens in cRPG chat) wouldn't be treated the same way by bullet-point spoiler notes being spammed in all chat by someone with a long warning and ban history of trolling and griefing in chat, trying to provoke as much anger as possible.
Also, this was a 24 hour ban to tell him to knock it off and stop spoiling the show for everyone, including innocent people who logged on to play cRPG for a half hour after work, and probably would never bother posting in this thread like you spergs.
Why do people even care so much lmao, its a day break from a dumb videogame server for being a dick in chat. I've seen people get lifetime bans from cRPG servers for standing in shield walls on the ATS servers, and lifetime bans for cursing in WW2 shooters if its "christian administrated"
If anyone legitimately thinks I am some warped power-hungry admin who bans to grief because of this, then.. I guess you're right. Now I will ban everyone who shit talked me in this thread. Starting with you, Havoco.