Hello @ all,
my current aim is level 33 and I won't retire anymore as I'm happy with my MW weapon.
Though, I would really like to change my name, as I use it now for one year and a half (the rename function didn't exist in the early phase of cRPG). In other games I usually change my online-name every week, but in cRPG it's only allowed when retiring. WHY? This is so goddamn unnecessary. I can't even advance my name like Bl0rk_theD00d or something like that, because it's not a clan tag. But also it isn't a full name change, is it?
Please allow full name changes without retiring, as I won't retire ever again. If you want, you can take a high price for it, like 10k gold or more. I would gladly pay it, just for getting a new name!