Staying under leveled is the only way to play IMO. At least then the PVE combat is a bit dicey and hard. I tend to go for places 10 levels higher but I've got to go on a lumber jack and bronz binge because of this stupid market being stupid down! STUPID!
@Billy - Crafting so far has been the easiest way to power level for me. Once I hit 75 skill on huntsman and 75 on leather working I should boost a shit load of levels in a couple min
I'm sitting on well over 300 of each of the 75+ crafting essentials for both those skills and I've got a couple of boosts to give me about 150% xp boost from crafting so... shits going to get retarded, wololo.
I do agree though, most of the time it's just a shinny rainbow of bullshit. I'm enjoying the main quest chain, it's not the best written gaming experience I've ever had but it's not awful, and I'm used to awful being the default mode for MMO "stories". Playing a Human Theif and doing the Whispers guild quest chain yeilds some funny moments.
I'm digging the thief I like ninjering about and in wvw I kill anyone I catch on there own, I love going invisible and being a complete douche
Had a great one the other day where as my team rounded a corner I through down an invisiblity buff for the team and then powered out into the open and 4 dudes came chasing after me back intot the buff. I vanish, then the buff goes down and I'm standing there with 10 people, needless to say they got pwned
That said most of the time lag wipes me out in wvw, I'm squishy and I need to be able to dodge and have some semblance of timing to my dodges and attacks so the lag mixed with the cluster fuck "every dude with ranged is spewing movement cripling debuffs" resaults in me basically just running around picking off weak targets.
wvw can best be sumerisied for me with the line "run away!"
@gnjus ditch the short bow and go for duel pistols, unfortunatly the bow becomes awful rather quickly where as the pistols combo well with the thiefs over arching set of skills and shit, and it's fun going pewpewpewpewpewpewpew.