Author Topic: Some thoughts on the new scoring system  (Read 6025 times)

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2012, 12:23:40 am »
Getting the kill means nothing. Dealing lots of damage does.

This is somewhat true but then again why do we have k/d ratio shown and damage dealt not shown on our character information?
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2012, 12:36:26 am »
Bjord, tell me which useless shielders are score magnets ? Me ? Quatal ? Evo ? When i play on siege, and i play it almost exclusively, 2h heroes who know how to play have usually better score than shielders.  For example Lux, Rufio, Kulin, Rantrex (when not leching) all get awesome score thanks to rounding down formula which favor heavy hitting classes (military pick, 2h, poles). I can assure you that without that rounding down (using for example floats instead of integers, or just reduce rounding down in formula by doubling/tripling points awarded) those heavy hitting classes would have relatively less points compared to low-damage weapons.

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2012, 12:38:16 am »
Bjord, tell me which useless shielders are score magnets ? Me ? Quatal ? Evo ? When i play on siege, and i play it almost exclusively, 2h heroes who know how to play have usually better score than shielders.  For example Lux, Rufio, Kulin, Rantrex (when not leching) all get awesome score thanks to rounding down formula which favor heavy hitting classes (military pick, 2h, poles). I can assure you that without that rounding down (using for example floats instead of integers, or just reduce rounding down in formula by doubling/tripling points awarded) those heavy hitting classes would have relatively less points compared to low-damage weapons.

Finally some common sense!

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2012, 12:41:12 am »
Okay, sorry. They're not *YOUR* issues. They're *issues in general* according to you. My bad!

That being said, the rest of what I said directly addressed *the issues*. Hoplites are easily killed and countered, and I don't see them stacking scores. One handers are also pretty much universally outscored by str stacking 2handers and polearms. I think the point stacking simply comes down to a ratio of who can survive the most in battle and do decent damage. You're not going to see agi 1handers or even archers doing a ton of damage while surviving for extended periods in most cases.

Facts, dood. Cut out some of the nerd rage, I wrote well thought out responses to your points and instead of getting a reply I got dismissed. Kind of contrary to what you said about proposing a discussion? Or do you only want a discussion where people agree with you?

The "*problem*" are not hoplites, I never said that. I was saying that they are enjoying benefits due to this new scoring system. A lot of known hoplite players on EU are often getting valour and 100+ scores. They are not that "easily countered", because they have tough shields that don't break together with either high agi and thus high shield skill(Gravoth), or high STR, board shield and lots of armour(Sultan Eren). If you ever muster the courage to play on EU(joke :wink:), keep an eye out for those two and watch them impact on outcome of round.

This is all due to the fact that when team play due to slowness is a deciding factor for the outcome of rounds, which spears naturally excel at, hoplites will reap the benefit twofold with their amazing survivability and support capability. A shield, to counter archers(more or less), a long spear, to counter cavalry and disrupt 2h heroes. It is pretty much a cakewalk, if played properly.

Anyway, this thread is not about hoplites or any other class but the point system. I was just including some related thoughts as examples.

Please don't wet your pants if I choose not to discuss with you about things I feel belong in another thread, calling it nerdrage is just projecting your own frustrations on me even more.

Back on-topic please.

Getting the kill means nothing. Dealing lots of damage does.

Yes, I agree somewhat. I am not saying kills should be in any way superior to dealing damage score wise. But I've one hit riders a countless times with a headshot from a thrust and all I got was a lousy 4-5 points. Pretty early in the round too so don't think they were low on health.

However, _killing_ a player means you boot him out for the duration of that round. Regardless if he was on low health, this is very helpful to your team. With this in mind, some tweaks could be made for when you score a kill.

By the way, question to you cmp. Is score based on damage accumulative or arbitrary? As in, does my total damage count in the score or only for every hit dealt on enemies? For example, if I deal 19 dmg first I get 1 score, if I deal 21 next time, do I get another 3 points? Excluding overkill dmg.

Bjord, tell me which useless shielders are score magnets ? Me ? Quatal ? Evo ? When i play on siege, and i play it almost exclusively, 2h heroes who know how to play have usually better score than shielders.  For example Lux, Rufio, Kulin, Rantrex (when not leching) all get awesome score thanks to rounding down formula which favor heavy hitting classes (military pick, 2h, poles). I can assure you that without that rounding down (using for example floats instead of integers, or just reduce rounding down in formula by doubling/tripling points awarded) those heavy hitting classes would have relatively less points compared to low-damage weapons.

Well, one shielder from the top of my head, Yanicar. Pretty lousy player, but I regularly see him getting valour while he has 2:9 score. I get that damage is more important, but seriously. If I have 130 points, I'll have killed more than 2 people.

And agreed, 2h are also enjoying the new score system, especially great maulers or any mauler really, thanks to the high dmg output.
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2012, 12:47:56 am »
The "*problem*" are not hoplites, I never said that. I was saying that they are enjoying benefits due to this new scoring system. A lot of known hoplite players on EU are often getting valour and 100+ scores. They are not that "easily countered", because they have tough shields that don't break together with either high agi and thus high shield skill(Gravoth), or high STR, board shield and lots of armour(Sultan Eren). If you ever muster the courage to play on EU(joke :wink:), keep an eye out for those two and watch them impact on outcome of round.

This is all due to the fact that when team play due to slowness is a deciding factor for the outcome of rounds, which spears naturally excel at, hoplites will reap the benefit twofold with their amazing survivability and support capability. A shield, to counter archers(more or less), a long spear, to counter cavalry and disrupt 2h heroes. It is pretty much a cakewalk, if played properly.

Anyway, this thread is not about hoplites or any other class but the point system. I was just including some related thoughts as examples.

Please don't wet your pants if I choose not to discuss with you about things I feel belong in another thread, calling it nerdrage is just projecting your own frustrations on me even more.

Back on-topic please.

Yes, I agree somewhat. I am not saying kills should be in any way superior to dealing damage score wise. But I've one hit riders a countless times with a headshot from a thrust and all I got was a lousy 4-5 points. Pretty early in the round too so don't think they were low on health.

However, _killing_ a player means you boot him out for the duration of that round. Regardless if he was on low health, this is very helpful to your team. With this in mind, some tweaks could be made for when you score a kill.

By the way, question to you cmp. Is score based on damage accumulative or arbitrary? As in, does my total damage count in the score or only for every hit dealt on enemies? For example, if I deal 19 dmg first I get 1 score, if I deal 21 next time, do I get another 3 points? Excluding overkill dmg.

Well, one shielder from the top of my head, Yanicar. Pretty lousy player, but I regularly see him getting valour while he has 2:9 score. I get that damage is more important, but seriously. If I have 130 points, I'll have killed more than 2 people.

And agreed, 2h are also enjoying the new score system, especially great maulers or any mauler really, thanks to the high dmg output.

From the way you talk it seems every class is enjoying new score system.

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2012, 12:54:33 am »
From the way you talk it seems every class is enjoying new score system.

Seeing you've gone down to this level of argumentation, without even bothering to read my post properly(obviously your comprehension is lacking judging by above post), I have nothing more to say to you.

And to make things clear, the problems aren't the fucking classes or any class having more benefits, it's making the point system more accurate and rewarding to those who truly deserve it. For that, this scoring system needs some fine tuning.
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2012, 01:17:27 am »
A kill should not give bonus points at all, I don't see how getting the last hit should be rewarded anymore than doing the hit before the last hit.

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2012, 01:17:49 am »
It seems to be working alright. I was third on a team today with a score of 2-3 and a similar rank when I was 9-1 or something like that.
And how!

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2012, 01:26:24 am »
A kill should not give bonus points at all, I don't see how getting the last hit should be rewarded anymore than doing a hit earlier.

A lot of factors come into play of course, and the kill itself shouldn't bring that many points. But it's very circumstantial. And AFAIK, one shot headshots that kill someone are rewarded with only 3 points.

Maybe if there was some sort of chain hit timer? Hitting more than one people in quick succession could give 10-15% more score for every hit, and killing them during a chain hit grants an additional 2-3 points on top of 2 points for killing someone. Then chain time window could be something like 2 seconds.

That way, players who dish out a lot of damage in short time are rewarded even more, for example skilled cavalry players(they are not as common as you'd think, as much as I hate Oberyn, he can do some serious damage in a few seconds and that's pretty badass) who plow through enemy archers, or an infantry player outnumbered by 3-4 guys. Either way, TWEAK TWEAK TWEAK.
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2012, 01:35:52 am »
Getting the kill means nothing.

Then new patch should make it impossible for hit points to drop below 1. It won't make any difference since kills don't mean anything.
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2012, 02:03:29 am »
A kill should not give bonus points at all, I don't see how getting the last hit should be rewarded anymore than doing the hit before the last hit.

because an enemy with 1hp can still kill people, someone with 0hp cannot.

I'm ok with a tiny small bonus for the last hit but not more. Otherwise it will go back to kill whoring again  :wink:
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2012, 02:06:09 am »
I 'll tell you one thing, new system seems to hate xbow. It makes sense, because two hander can deal 5 times 30 dmg in five seconds, to xbowman to fire five shots it takes a minute or so.

But it is not fair. Today at Strat battle, I was checking to see peoples scores. At one moment I notice a score of DaveUKR, which was 35:3 at that time. With 35 kills and only three deaths he was at the middle of the scoreboard, while there were only two guys in the whole team with more kills than him. But, if this was a regular battle, he wouldn't be getting valor. That doesn't sound right to me, I think additional bonuses for kills should be introduced.
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2012, 02:08:12 am »
I find that it is an incentive to use a strength build over a balanced or agility build.
Hooray for customization and hybridization!
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2012, 02:16:22 am »
I find that it is an incentive to use a strength build over a balanced or agility build.

Sad but true...
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2012, 02:33:28 am »
I 'll tell you one thing, new system seems to hate xbow. It makes sense, because two hander can deal 5 times 30 dmg in five seconds, to xbowman to fire five shots it takes a minute or so.

But it is not fair. Today at Strat battle, I was checking to see peoples scores. At one moment I notice a score of DaveUKR, which was 35:3 at that time. With 35 kills and only three deaths he was at the middle of the scoreboard, while there were only two guys in the whole team with more kills than him. But, if this was a regular battle, he wouldn't be getting valor. That doesn't sound right to me, I think additional bonuses for kills should be introduced.

what I've been saying all day long... remove the proximity bonus point... problem solved!  :wink:
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