I was quite surprised that you decided to slaughter me and my men. True, I did leave the clan, but that was because I wanted to take part in Strat battles, and I wasn't having that much fun just generating troops to be sent to New Almerra Castle. I also wasn't much a fan of the TeamSpeak; nothing personal of course, I'd just rather the conversation was focussed on the combat, perhaps slightly RPish as well. It's a little distracting trying to fight three guys at once while some bored voices drone on about Skyrim or Persistant world. But that is just me.
My plan was to gain a little independence, make some money, equip some troops, trade a little and build up, then fight for you guys under my own banner. I mean, we were friends, surely you could have trusted me? Or at least sent me a message to ask my intentions? Oh right, I don't use Steam.
Yesterday's attack felt like a knife twisting in my back. Fortunately I had a case of beer in the fridge, which made the pain go away, and it was good fighting next to your guys in siege and battle (though I noticed for each beer I had, I dropped 2 rankings in the score board- weird coincidence eh?).
SO THIS IS A WARNING TO YOU! If you ever show up in Vancouver, well, I'll still buy a pitcher of beer for you, but it won't be the good stuff! But not the really cheap stuff either. But middling, I tell you! Middling, mwah ha ha! Revenge, as they say, is a drink best served cold. In a frosted mug. Maybe with some wings.
Cya at the Cambie