for the people that like to trashtalk about HoC in the siege servers.
the last couple months, i discovered that a lot of people are talking trash about HoC, on the moment when we enter the siege server
We have to acknowledge that were not like KUTT, a clan where almost everyone use a maul, or like MB, where almost everyone plays with 2h weapons and win the siege, as defender or attacker.
we play as a group, and for fun, not taking the game not too serious, like some people does
HoC tries to gain or hold the flag, but most of the time we are overwhelmed by a force from 2h and maulers
and when we lose the fight, every player complains that we suck
its your right, but then i ask to those people that tels that we suck, where the hell where you?????
we stand alone, no 1 comes to aid us, but everyone complains when HoC loose
on the other hand, we gain also respect from alot of clans, what we do as a group, if we win or loose, those people knows how hard we fought, is it in siege, batle or even in strat, we give always the best of oure self, if we win or loose.
that we have trolls in HoC, yes that's true, i'm a troll, but which clan does not have a troll
but that we are being taken or insulted as clan because of from some of these people in the clan, that's not correct.
no 1 dare to say that KUTT (i'm sorry that i have offended the KUTT clan, but i hope you accept my apologies for it), are plated maulers for the very reason that they win the siege every time, as defenders or attackers (again, very sorry if i offended the KUTTclan) with there mauls or bluntweapons
i do know that alot of people are using other weapons in KUTT, but it is to make an example and KUTT is famoust for it, and i have respect for KUTT btw
why we have a lot of bad players or newbies in the clan, isn't that the meaning to get crpg running, bringing up new players, even when they suck in the game?????
give those people the chance to play a game in a group, learning them how this game works, and working as a group, to gain the goal, if we win or lose