If you're doing close to the most damage in a round for your team you have a good chance of getting valor. It helps if you're fighting near teammates I believe (at least it appears that way), and if you are alive longer than 30 seconds.
I like the new system, I think it encourages more teamwork (well if people care about their score). Hopefully XP/Gold gets tied into this system and I guarantee you'll see a huge increase in teamwork (for infantry/melee).
Valor doesn't really work if there is less than 15 peeps on the server as it is impossibru to get enought points of those few enemies.
The funniest thing about the idea behind the changing the system from the mass fight to multi/valor hoarder is that it didn't really help teamwork imho, and I played MUCHOS, believe me. Mass fights were at least lots of fun (I miss them
), and the fact is that no matter what devs do I don't think it is possible to improve the teamwork with changing xp/gold system, from this stage onward at least.
And I totally agree with implementing the exp/gold for each kill into this system, at the very least. valor is cool but is really rewarding only when in beast mode while, imo, it should rewarding the upper half of the scoreboard. Just brainstorming right now, so don't hate xD