Meh, should have made it at least as good as Eye Candy to begin with, now we have a lesser version of Eye Candy without the possibility of fixing it as we could before (since using the Eye Candy script now fubars it all - disable it as already mentioned).
is there a way to make it so names will show up on everyone instead of them just being little dots you can mouse over?
They used to do, so yes it should be very possible (and easy).
Eye Candy script addon always been a number one priority for Strategus, quite horrible to play without it
vs Default, the new pages of course are of course
way better.
vs Eye Candy script:
Positives:- Faction page now lists carrying weight & crates (thank you Jebus).
- Buying pages are better.
- Loom level is shown on item icons.
Negatives:- No filtering after name/troops/gold on Faction page
- No names on the map, extremely small dots