I do like trolling, I think it's a fun way to waste some time and release pent up aggression. However I think I trolled enough and it's time for a serious topic.
I strongly believe that there are people who support racism/YMCA, although they are hiding it pretty well.
Player I'll now mention is someone I'm in some kind of a fight, actually it's mostly trolling from my side but I'm not so sure anymore he feels the same.
His nick is Nord_Wiltzu. He is a guy who has been calling me Shemale which I don't mind if it's trolling. It's actually unintentional pun and I don't mind it. But today, when I was playing as Nord_chadz, which he couldn't know it's me, some other player said something about archers being lowest life form he kept saying that Shemales are lowest life form.
I'm not a shemale and I don't want to be one. I'm a guy who came up with whole shemale thing to provoke true haters in this community, people who really have a problem with that.
I think that Wiltzu is one of them. Also something he said today make me believe that he is either supporter or member of some neochocolate chip cookie organization.
And so what if some1 says that chocolate chip cookie symbol aka cute puppy is the best? It's an ideology.
Most people know that this ideology is forbidden in EU. Most people agree with that. Only people who believe in chocolate chip cookie crap "ideology" say things Wilzu said in that post.
We already had that statement made by Xant about holocaust but I think that Xant was trolling. In this case I'm not sure Wiltzu is trolling.
This thread isn't here to ask for bans or I'm trying to change what people think. It's here to identify true haters in this community so that we can avoid them in the future.