Went on the siege server to play for a bit, but Fallen_CroticNeurotic made it quite impossible. Basically, after spawning he must've been truly raged, because he shot me in the head on the very beginning, then logged out. Why did he do it? To stress himself out? I don't know, but it's quite not right to shot your teammate in the head, to unload your rage on someone else.
What can you see on the screen.
I've red-circled the areas that, in my opinion matter.
You can see I'm being head-shot, that it happen at aroun 5:50, so just the beginning of the round. You can see the logs where he is logging out, and his body laying on the ground. Same as my body.
I'm leaving the verdict to admins, but I think it's a truly bad attitude, and I think he should be punished in some way.