
Full wipe?

Some partial wipe bundle of sticksry!

Author Topic: Giev full wipe now!  (Read 19458 times)

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #255 on: August 03, 2012, 09:11:03 pm »
If you want full wipe , go play native don't fuck with people's hardly earned shit in this game.

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #256 on: August 03, 2012, 10:06:28 pm »
If we all didn't want to grind we'd be playing native.

Guess what, some of us do play crpg and native. For different reasons.
I am not saying a native title/ victory is more important than a crpg title/ victory. But for me, it is.
I always hated the grind in crpg. But I like crpg because I can take the weapons and armors I want to use, and I am not stuck to some shit that is bound to the faction in which I am forced to play (by clans order, or autobalance.)

It's a game with an rpg element. That by nature means grind.

No. Grind is not needed. Not at all. Just give everyone the same amount of attribute and skill and weapon points to spend.
Thats your roleplay element.

Every one of us here likes the grind and likes the end goal of the grind.

No. Not at all. Did you actually read what others wrote?

but a lot of my enjoyment is knowing I have my completed char.

Sure, this, and that with your completed char you can dominate others that dont have a completed char (yet).
You see, we all like to feel we are rockin', but where is the freakin' fun when its the superior char who does most of the work?
I d bet Oberyn had more fun to own me in native than to do so in crpg. I mean in crpg he always had the way better char, so its just not the same.
Sure, I shall admit, when I had my heavy plated charger and got 20 kills and more in a single round on Pecores server, it was fun. For a weekend. Then I got bored. I would have quit earlier, but I really enjoyed the rage of two-handers when I trampled them. But if the devs wouldnt have killed the elephant, I would have stopped it anyway.
Nowadays, the plated charger the worst horse right after the sumpter, I am thinking of a return of the elephant rider, just for fun. I wont get much kills with it. What I am trying to say is, crpgs fun shouldnt be some childish shit like yeah, I have the best shit and now I can kill those that are actually better than me. You often can learn more from defeats than from victories.

crpg should be fun because its not as limited as native. But crpg should (in my opinion) be fair, and at the moment its not. Some can take seven hits and kill with a lucky punch/ slash. Some can wear heavy armor use heavy weapons and outrun naked opponents. Thats crazy.

If you have to privilege certain people over the majority, (in my opinion) it should be the donators and the developers. Those guys pay for the servers, and try to improve the game (although me personally, I hate most of their changes, but I can see that they think about it and its okay for me.)

You kids should try to be not that selfish. You have invested your time in your grind, and you have earned the fun you had with your superior char. But now its time to move on and bring some fairness back. 
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 10:13:15 pm by Michael »
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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #257 on: August 03, 2012, 10:12:22 pm »
No wipe, please. I am not saying this in dramatic way, but I'd stop playing. I spent a lot of time on this game so I could enjoy it more without the need to grind so much, all this would do is invalidate all my hours and give me a strong distaste in the mouth whenever I think about the grind.

I have a life now, maybe you who vouch for this don't or you have fucked up priorities that make cRPG a major part of your schedule. I don't, and I'm not about to re-organize my life to keep up with people that I'm at the same level in time spent and anything else.

Everything is already equal, veterans have earned their leisure from many hundreds of hours and newbies strive for it for max 1-2 months and they're set.

Fuck off and keep your dirty fingers off my looms.
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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #258 on: August 03, 2012, 10:15:04 pm »
Michael, stop pretending that you have any sort of skill in this game. Even as a plated charger crutcher you were horribly bad. Fact is most of the people who are considered "elite" now would still be considered "elite" without 3 extra levels or their looms. How do I know this? Because a lot of them have been around since the biggest level spread was 1~ and heirlooms did not exist. Your opinion on this isn't worth shit, because you have never been good enough to be instantly recognizable in either native OR crpg, except in your diseased hallucinating mind.
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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #259 on: August 03, 2012, 10:19:32 pm »
You have to credit him for his tenacity, though. Two years into the game and still going strong, spreading ignorance and mind blowing stupidity.
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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #260 on: August 03, 2012, 10:19:49 pm »
If you want even playing field, just speed up the damn leveling process and put limit on max level. But do not wipe, because you'll hurt casuals not grinders. Grinders will grind their way back to 20 gen, lvl 35. Casuals will quit.

Also, peasant wars aren't fun. We're already too slow, even with high level agi chars and fully loomed light gear. Do not make us slower and less deadly, please.

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #261 on: August 03, 2012, 10:22:33 pm »
This song is about Michael?

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #262 on: August 03, 2012, 10:37:42 pm »
You have invested your time in your grind, and you have earned the fun you had with your superior char. But now its time to move on and bring some fairness back.
Bad news...newbs and bad players will still get smashed. Why don't we have a special server that won't let people use looms and see. I predict complaining of something else once they can't blame looms.

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #263 on: August 03, 2012, 11:29:30 pm »
Ignore. Fucked up this post.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 11:45:40 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #264 on: August 03, 2012, 11:45:16 pm »
No. Grind is not needed. Not at all. Just give everyone the same amount of attribute and skill and weapon points to spend.
Thats your roleplay element.

No. Not at all. Did you actually read what others wrote?

Sure, this, and that with your completed char you can dominate others that dont have a completed char (yet).
What I am trying to say is, crpgs fun shouldnt be some childish shit like yeah, I have the best shit and now I can kill those that are actually better than me. You often can learn more from defeats than from victories.

crpg should be fun because its not as limited as native. But crpg should (in my opinion) be fair, and at the moment its not. Some can take seven hits and kill with a lucky punch/ slash. Some can wear heavy armor use heavy weapons and outrun naked opponents. Thats crazy.

If you have to privilege certain people over the majority, (in my opinion) it should be the donators and the developers. Those guys pay for the servers, and try to improve the game (although me personally, I hate most of their changes, but I can see that they think about it and its okay for me.)

You kids should try to be not that selfish. You have invested your time in your grind, and you have earned the fun you had with your superior char. But now its time to move on and bring some fairness back.

That's not roleplay. Much of rpg is earning you way up through levels. Just being handed the attributes and skill points entirely negates the idea of it.

I did and I chose to ignore anyone who says 'naw i hate grind'. Everyone here likes the grind on some level and that is fact. Otherwise you wouldn't all be here and I'll ignore anyone who says otherwise because it's clear bullshit.

Haha trust me I have rarely ever dominated in crpg. I don't play frequently enough and am to bad of an HA to be able to. I simply like the sense of achievement.

Giving advantages to donators would essentially be pay to win. And no one likes that. Crpg isn't fair? What advantages do extra gens hold? Heirlooms? You've got to be kidding me that anyone can honestly think they make that much of a difference. Levels? Everyone has equal opportunity to reach higher levels. Crpg is dominated, generally speaking, by those who are skilled, not by those who have heirloomed everything in their 20 gens. At gen 8 I have heirloomed everything I want to heirloom. Does it give me a significant advantage? Hell no. My MW bow is a little better and my champ courser a little faster but that doesn't make up for the fact that I'm pretty crap at using them. And that is the same for everyone. The skilled players will be skillful with whatever weapon you hand them at whatever level. Got killed by a peasant with a cudgel? Likelihood they were just better and that is one of the great things about crpg. You can have grind/achievement, but it doesn't negate skill like so many other games.

What fairness? Everyone starting on a level playing field? Everyone already does. Everyone has equal opportunity to reach a higher skill level. Looms aren't a significant advantage, and level 30 can be reached relatively quickly by a casual player (31 is a different matter) . And handing out the attribute points at the start without any sense of progression really would be a major blow to the mod.

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #265 on: August 04, 2012, 01:20:01 am »
So much delicious rage and hate, all condensed into a single thread. Hell, both the master and the apprentice are here even!

Yummies! :P

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #266 on: August 04, 2012, 01:21:05 am »
That's not roleplay. Much of rpg is earning you way up through levels. Just being handed the attributes and skill points entirely negates the idea of it.

I did and I chose to ignore anyone who says 'naw i hate grind'. Everyone here likes the grind on some level and that is fact. Otherwise you wouldn't all be here and I'll ignore anyone who says otherwise because it's clear bullshit.

Haha trust me I have rarely ever dominated in crpg. I don't play frequently enough and am to bad of an HA to be able to. I simply like the sense of achievement.

Giving advantages to donators would essentially be pay to win. And no one likes that. Crpg isn't fair? What advantages do extra gens hold? Heirlooms? You've got to be kidding me that anyone can honestly think they make that much of a difference. Levels? Everyone has equal opportunity to reach higher levels. Crpg is dominated, generally speaking, by those who are skilled, not by those who have heirloomed everything in their 20 gens. At gen 8 I have heirloomed everything I want to heirloom. Does it give me a significant advantage? Hell no. My MW bow is a little better and my champ courser a little faster but that doesn't make up for the fact that I'm pretty crap at using them. And that is the same for everyone. The skilled players will be skillful with whatever weapon you hand them at whatever level. Got killed by a peasant with a cudgel? Likelihood they were just better and that is one of the great things about crpg. You can have grind/achievement, but it doesn't negate skill like so many other games.

What fairness? Everyone starting on a level playing field? Everyone already does. Everyone has equal opportunity to reach a higher skill level. Looms aren't a significant advantage, and level 30 can be reached relatively quickly by a casual player (31 is a different matter) . And handing out the attribute points at the start without any sense of progression really would be a major blow to the mod.

The level cap should be reachable by the majority of the players, not the minority.

If only the minority are able to accomplish and obtain the maximum amounts of attributes available, then there's something wrong.

There are many different types of RPG elements.

The one you speak of (months / year) of grinding is called Chineese MMORPG-type grinding games.

Heirlooms are somewhat acceptable, due to being able to trade / merchant your way up to get the items you want (RPG element), however the leveling system is a complete joke as it stands right now.

For it cripples your ability to obtain heirloom points and rewards those who are already fully heirloomed with ADDITIONAL stats (as if they needed anything more).

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #267 on: August 04, 2012, 01:36:18 am »
Voted partial wipe.

Wipe everything except generations and remove heirloom system.

XP needs to be converted to generations. Not just generations.
Level 35 is equal to gen 20.

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #268 on: August 04, 2012, 01:53:44 am »
Overdriven said pretty much everything there is to say.

Even as casual player you don´t even need a week to become level 30 and enough gold for your desired equipment and enough to upkeep medium to heavy gear loadout, if you have the skill you can beat anyone in this bloody mod. #

1 week. " OMG zhe grind is so awful I never can be as good as other becuz I got RL ya know I don´t want to grind but I want to play. "

Hitting lvl 30 will get you nothing. Hitting lvl 31 will get you 1 heirloom point.

Want a masterwork item? Okay. 3 heirloom points needed. 3 generations.

Want your whole set to be masterworked? 3 generations for helm, 3 generations for body armor, 3 generations for boots, 3 generations for shield, 3 generations for sword. 

Tired of your build? Want to try something new? 3 generations for a bow, 3 generations for arrows.

See ^ that is acceptable, due to your time being spent has a limit (until your whole set is in purple color), almost like "epic" items in RPG games. + Your ability to trade them with other players.

Now, when you go into leveling PAST 31, that's when it becomes utter crap.

Because if you want to reach the highest level and obtain all of this ^^^ AND the additional stats from leveling, it's just too much.

Then of course you have lvl 35 apes, fully heirloomed players compared to players who are lvl 30 with no or few heirlooms.

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Re: Giev full wipe now!
« Reply #269 on: August 04, 2012, 02:01:55 am »
You don't understand it? You don't need any heirlooms to play. You don't need to be level 31+.

The heirloom system and higher levels is for people who want to play more actively. Same with Strategus which is / was mostly only possible with either an active clan, a bigger group of people or a good reputation as reliable or skillful fighter and player. The casual people can use Skip the Fun, get 10k gold, play for some hours and can easily use mid gear (- high gear, plate ofc needs more time due to upkeep). If you want to play casual you don't need heirlooms, you probably even don't improve that much in the game and you're more out for fun. Casual means you play when you have time, you don't want the highest achievements available (looms, high lvl), you don't care about competetive things (strategus, now: duel ladder). You only seek the fun.
And Skip the Fun Characters or maybe normal characters (lvling up to 31, once) are enough to have fun.

If you want to reach the highest level, and only have looms, you cant play casually, you have to put more time into the game or play some years. Your choice. No one forces you to play for looms or "grind" to a high level.  If you want it, do it and level up. If you dont want to do that, play casually and enjoy the game like it is meant to.
That is why I tend to be a calm guy, I never rage and therefore I have fun even if I die.

Tired of a build? Skip the fun chars can be respecced once a week. Enough to try every build for a good amount of time.

90% of all builds are perfectly fine at level 30.
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