Hehe. I was wondering when someone would ask about this after I posted the screens.
Yes, as mentioned by others, this is a new options that we are testing in the beta.
By default it's the same as of old, but now you can turn on/off banners on friendlies or enemies, and you can turn on/off banner
outlines on friendlies or enemies. Or as I did when I first messed with them, turned ALL banners off (I changed back after I died from a horseman while I stood wondering if he was friendly or not).
Although having banners on enemies is VERY confusing sometimes! Especially in big clusterfucks. Allies with red banners or enemies with green banners can be horrible. Again, sorry to that DRZ guy I whacked a couple of times before I realized he was on my team.
It's a really nice option.
Is this jarlek all the time?
He has a very sexy armor dont you think ?
Yes, it's me. Stop mixing me with Zakker! (Y U remove me from steam and for 3 months talk to zakker as if it's me xD)
Although there's this other my old friend who keeps stealing my look. Byzantium_Chase. He probably just wanna be as awesome as me.
Thats the problem... if you're leaking only half the info from the beta, everything will be discussed with half knowledge. Just tell us everything right NOW!
You moron! Those pics weren't meant as leaks, but for a ban request on rule breakers! It's just a new feature together with... wait a minute! I see what you tried there!