Make sure the guy giving the marks is hooked to cRPG until then and Summa Cum Laude is guaranteed 
I'm just going for the standard degree. I got so utterly bored and it had nothing to do with what the course said it would be, so it's just a case of "get the letters and leave". I can say I've got a Master's degree but it won't mean anything because it's nothing to do with "Computer and Information Security" like it says on the tin...
The closest it got was the Forensics, I learnt nothing in "Advanced Programming Skills for the Web" (I'm not doing a bloody web dev course for goodness sakes!), I really didn't need "Formal Approaches to Software Development" when I had TWO units of that during my standard degree on top of Project Management. It really felt like some sort of refresher course, particularly considering I'm the youngest person there. There's two other people in their twenties and the rest are 30+ all with jobs.
Anyway, the brochure lied to me and so did everyone I talked to about the course!

tl;dr - The course is utter wank. Just give me my letters and let me leave!