Yeah defiantly Slamz those things are a must. Although I'm not sure about shutting people out but being able to leverage a huge tax (500%) would more or less cause that to happen.
I would like to see the ability to levy different tax rates on different things.
So Tax goods sales at one level and item sales at another. That way if you turn your fief into a mass production fief then you can push the cost back up to where it was before and direct sale the cheaper goods to friends and allies.
I would say upgrading the smithing level would have to be tied to in strat gold otherwise it would be distinctly unfair for the smaller clans and when I say smaller I'm not talking FPF small I mean 50 plays and bellow.
Clans like Hospitaller would explode right out the gate because of the size of there player base, not like they won't anyway but if smithing was linked to available ticks then they would just smash it out. Imagine if one of the options is to cut the price of items and 5 days after a large clan takes a fief they cut the price by 50% they would wipe out everything pretty quick and we would get into the battle of the behemoths again, but probably even faster.
I'm actually really looking forward to this way of doing things, I hope it comes together well and can help push trading and smaller groups along.
It basically changes the nature of the game from "S/he who has the most active players wins" to "S/he who is the most organized and creates the largest network wins." it could really change the game a lot.
It will not have a switch, fief owners will have to allow everyone to buy it at the same rate. There will be a tax though (we have to figure out if we have to cap it). If you don't want someone buying in your fief (and paying you money for it), attack him.
However, all those infos are taken out of context - there will be many more changes that are far more rageworthy than this, save your strength
We might release the plans (those that are not flagged confidential ) to the public today.
For the love of mustard!